the groves of academe

the groves of academe

Institutions of higher learning, such as colleges and universities, or higher learning in general. I've spent my whole career in the groves of academe, so transitioning to the corporate sector will be difficult.
See also: academe, grove, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

groves of Academe

the academic community. literary
This phrase alludes to the Roman poet Horace's Epistles, in which he says: Atque inter silvas Academi quaerere verum ‘and seek for truth in the groves of Academe’. The Academia was a grove near ancient Athens where a number of philosophers, Plato among them, taught their pupils.
See also: academe, grove, of
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

groves of academe

An institution of higher education (college or university), or those associated with it. This term refers to an actual place in ancient Greece, the Grove of Academus, an olive grove outside Athens presented by the Spartans to the Athenian hero Achilles, who had helped to rescue Helen. About 387 b.c. Plato had a house and garden adjoining this place, where he would meet with his students, and his school of philosophy came to be called, after it, Academia. Years later, the Roman poet Horace referred to it (Epistles, 20 b.c.): “To seek for truth in the groves of Academe”; and John Milton also referred to it in Paradise Regained (1671). Today the term is often used ironically, as by Mary McCarthy, who made it the title of her satirical novel The Groves of Academe (1953).
See also: academe, grove, of
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • academe
  • grove
  • groves of Academe
  • rank higher than (one)
  • come up
  • be up
  • be up (oneself)
  • by the grace of God
  • fly up to
  • fly up to (some place)
References in periodicals archive
The word 'campus' comes from the Latin word for 'field.' Classical literature enjoined students to seek truth in 'the groves of Academe.'
True philosophy is flinted on the streets, not in the groves of academe.
Graduate programs must disabuse students from such fictions, discourage them from overspecialization, and instead train students for a wider range of employment opportunities in academia and beyond: teaching at community colleges, working for non-profits, or finding employment beyond the groves of academe in the private sector.
Mapping Irish Theatre: Theories of Space and Place is a rare beast in the groves of academe: a readable, intelligent and thought provoking book that is accessible to both students and teachers.
But fortunately, in most cases the real world moves on despite the efforts of those of us in the groves of academe to pretend it doesn't exist.
Although musical comedy became her first love, she enjoyed her three years in the groves of academe and wanted more.
This, for a while, united the sons of toil with the soft-palmed Marxists, who were already plucking fruit along the groves of academe.
Second, a Professor Johnston has written from the Groves of Academe complaining about the absence of academic geography in the magazine (Editor's letter).
Peate is a writer who wears her intelligence lightly, taking you on an entertaining romp around an archaeological dig, Winchester Cathedral, the groves of Academe, and the art of forensic reconstruction.
Often viewed as an "academic first and film critic second, Wood has provided a model for film scholars to follow in communicating beyond the groves of academe. He remains Canada's most respected film critic, famed for his Hitchcock studies as well as how his own coming out as a gay man marked a shift in his critical perspective.
Collins proves that if a tree falls in the groves of academe and no one is there to hear it or see it fall, it will still get deconstructed and analyzed to death." ROBERT ALLEN PAPINCHAK
Business interests have been grazing in the groves of academe for at least a century, and their presence has always troubled people concerned with academic freedom and the ability of institutions of higher learning to pursue research unfettered by the dictates of profit-seeking.
If these incidents were just matters of yet another faculty member falling victim to the ludicrously bitter internecine feuds over ephemera that flare so frequently in the Groves of Academe, they would not deserve the newspaper industry's attention.
Meanwhile, over in the groves of academe, Native-American activist Ward Churchill was disinvited from a speaking engagement at Hamilton College because of an essay in which he called the CIA office workers who died in the World Trade Center "little Eichmanns." Not to be outdone, Bill O'Reilly, in a column on his website, called the entire tenure system "a dastardly con that protects teachers for life.
Or maybe in the groves of academe, not all offensive speech is created equal.