tied to apron strings

Related to tied to apron strings: tied to his mother's apron strings

tied to (one's) apron strings

Controlled or dominated by one. Used especially in reference to a man controlled by a woman. I'm worried that my husband will forever be tied to his mother's apron strings—he's a grown man but still does every little thing she asks! Can you make a decision on your own, or are you tied to her apron strings?
See also: apron, string, tie
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

tied to apron strings

Wholly dependent on or controlled by a woman, especially one's mother or wife. For example, At 25, he was still too tied to her apron strings to get an apartment of his own. This expression, dating from the early 1800s, probably alluded to apron-string tenure, a 17th-century law that allowed a husband to control his wife's and her family's property during her lifetime.
See also: apron, string, tie
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

apron strings, tied to (someone's)

Under someone’s influence. Like being under someone’s thumb, the term denotes being completely ruled by another, in this case usually a male being ruled by a woman (the traditional wearer of aprons). It probably was already a cliché by the time Thomas Babington Macaulay wrote (1849) of William of Orange, “He could not submit to be tied to the apron strings of even the best of wives.” Indeed, two hundred years earlier England had a law called apron-string tenure, whereby a husband could hold title to property passed on by his wife’s family only while his wife was alive.
See also: apron, tie
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • tied to (one's) apron strings
  • tied to his mother's apron strings
  • tied to someone's apron strings
  • tied to mother's apron strings
  • be tied to (one's) mother's apron strings
  • be tied to your mother's apron strings
  • apron strings, tied to (someone's)
  • in the grip of something
  • in the grip(s) of (something)
  • be tied to something's apron strings