there's a grain of truth in every joke

there's a grain of truth in every joke

Something that one jokes about may come from something that they truly believe. I know she said she was joking about being depressed, but I'm concerned—there's a grain of truth in every joke. A: "Oh come on, I was only joking! I would never do something like that!" B: "So you say, but there is a grain of truth in every joke."
See also: every, grain, joke, of, truth
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a mystery to (one)
  • able to do
  • able to do it
  • (one) can whistle for it
  • astound
  • astound (one) with (something)
  • astound with
  • a touch of (something)
  • appear to
  • bias against (someone or something)