take the mickey
take the mickey (out of someone or something)
To tease, mock, or ridicule (someone or something); to joke or kid around (about someone or something). A variant of "take the piss (out of someone)." Primarily heard in UK, Ireland. If you are so serious-minded that you can't take the mickey out of yourself every once in a while, you're going to have a hard time enjoying most of life. It really hurt Steph's feelings to know that the group had been taking the mickey out of her that whole time. Brian was a bit of a troublesome student and tended to take the mickey whenever class began.
See also: mickey, of, someone, take
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
take the mickey
mainly BRITISH, INFORMALCOMMON If you take the mickey out of someone or something, you tease them or make jokes about them in a way that causes them to seem ridiculous. He started taking the mickey out of Joe because he's bald. I didn't know whether Neville was taking the Mickey out of me or not. Hey, are you taking the mickey? Note: You can also say that someone or something takes the mick out of someone or something. He's created a comedy that takes the mick out of absentee fathers and selfish mothers. Note: When someone behaves like this, you can call their behaviour mickey-taking. You can also call an instance of it a mickey-take. Until puberty I was really quite plump and had to put up with all the mickey-taking that went with it. It was actually a big mickey-take. Note: This expression may be based on rhyming slang. `To take the Mickey Bliss' means `to take the piss', a very rude expression which means to tease or make fun of someone. `Piss' is a slang word for urine.
See also: mickey, take
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.
take the mickey
tease or ridicule someone, especially in an unkind or persistent way. informal, chiefly BritishThe origin of this phrase is unknown; take (or extract ) the Michael is a humorously formal variant.
See also: mickey, take
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
take the ˈmickey/ˈmick (out of somebody/something)
(British English, informal) make fun of somebody/something: Are you taking the mickey? People are always trying to take the mickey out of him because of his funny accent.See also: mick, mickey, take
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- take the mick (out of someone or something)
- take the mickey (out of someone or something)
- take the mickey out of
- take the mickey/mick
- take the piss
- take the piss (out of) (someone or something)
- take the piss out of
- take the piss out of someone
- take the mike (out of someone or something)
- take the Michael (out of someone or something)