What to do: | Apply direct pressure to the wound, using a sterile dressing if possible or a clean non-fluffy cloth, to
stop the bleeding.
How to be real lifesaver... Would you know what to do in a medical emergency? LAURA CONNOR reveals vital first aid tips
It is meant only to
stop the bleeding and would not cure the wound, Alejano said.
Alejano: PH should learn from US, Colombia in fight vs drugs
Yet, we don't see many images of the horrified faces of those holding a stranger or trying to help them
stop the bleeding from their wounds.
The Hero Next to You
The best option to
stop the bleeding in a sick Sumatran rhinoceros suffering from uterine tumours has now been considered too risky.
Option to stop sick rhino's bleeding considered too risky
Talaat, to
stop the bleeding. She was transferred to one of the hospital rooms to receive the necessary treatment from the repercussions of severe bleeding.
Doctor continues operating while having a miscarriage
All attempts to
stop the bleeding failed at King Fahd Hospital, so doctors decided to conduct a hysterectomy to save his wife's life, the man said.
Hysterectomy on wife was medical error, alleges man
If it were in the upper thigh, it could be difficult to
stop the bleeding in the field.
AIWB? Not me!
The man's friends, who had been surfing alongside him, rushed him to shore, where they tried to
stop the bleeding with tourniquets and performed CPR.
Surfer Dies After Shark Bites Off Legs in Australia
Zebari told the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / we are with all the necessary steps to
stop the bleeding of Iraqi blood and expel the gangs of the Islamic State and liberate the usurped land and the return of displaced people to their homes, calling to authorize the government to consider these calls as the party who has the right to decide on the participation of foreign forces with troops for the Liberation of Iraqi territory or not.
Kurdish MP: The matter of International ground forces in Iraq should be away from political propaganda
"We had to
stop the bleeding and to get something," said Lambert.
Bore draw 'stops the bleeding'
They both stayed with her until the ambulance arrived, helping to keep her warm, comfortable and helping me apply pressure to
stop the bleeding.
Caring pupils deserve praise; Letters
He said during his speech at the opening of the 27th Islamic Unity Conference which kicked off today in Tehran "if any country thought it was capable of supporting the terrorists in overthrowing any government in the region, it is 100% wrong." "Those who seek the dominance of the Zionists over our region and its wealth are trying to sow discord among Muslims," he explained, calling for efforts to
stop the bleeding between the sons of the Islamic nation.
Rouhani: governments cannot be overthrown by supporting terrorists
Medics said that doctors managed to
stop the bleeding and stabilize the man's condition.
Medics: Israeli Troops Shoot, Injure Palestinian Worker
She added that the European Union must find a solution to
stop the bleeding of the worsening debt volume.
Tunisia: European MP says country's debts exceed EUR 20 billion
The spray foam developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) can be used to stop internal bleeding, particularly in the abdominal cavity which is life threatening because there is little that can be done to
stop the bleeding, Discovery News reported.
Foam injection stops internal bleeding