the common cold you should still be able to get on and do things.
These are the differences between a cold and flu according to NHS; Here's all you need to know about the common cold and flu
The common cold is a viral infectious disease that infects the upper respiratory system.
This is why you can never catch the same cold twice; The common cold is highly contagious and can be spread in a number of ways
The authors note that evidence for the effectiveness of OTC treatments for
the common cold is limited and of low quality.
Limited Evidence for OTC Preps to Treat Nasal Symptoms of Colds; Nasal decongestants can be used for short periods for adults; their safety is unclear for children
Mundipharma CEO, Raman Singh, said 'Every year
the common cold interrupts family, school and working life, soaking up medical leave, putting pressure on productivity and colleagues and interrupting people's daily life.
Mundipharma to Provide Access to Breakthrough Cold-Fighting Product for Adults and Children
The common cold is aptly named because it is the most frequent illness in the United States.
Can geranium extract cut down on duration of a cold?
Due to
the common cold being caused by a family of viruses with hundreds of variants, it is nearly impossible to for people to become immune or be vaccinated against them all.
A cure for the common cold?
After years of intensive research, the best the world's experts could come up with was a drug not to cure
the common cold but merely to curtail the period of the symptoms!
Nothing common about common cold
Dr Peter Barlow, associate professor of immunology and infection, said: "We will ultimately be looking to develop drug treatments that have the potential to cure
the common cold."
In with sniff of a chance of cold cure
Researchers looked at 185,014 people age 65 and older, who visited their primary-care physician for a non-bacterial upper respiratory infection, such as
the common cold. In all, 46 percent were prescribed an antibiotic.
Unnecessary antibiotics
These findings helped the NIAID researchers conclude that properly functioning MDA5 is necessary to protect against human rhinoviruses (HRVs), the main causes of
the common cold.
The Genetic Mutation That Makes You More Prone To Colds
TEHRAN (FNA)- According to a meta-analysis of three randomized controlled trials, zinc acetate lozenges may increase the rate of recovery from
the common cold three fold.
Zinc Acetate Shortens Common Cold Three-Fold
The common cold, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a leading cause of doctor visits and missed days from school and work annually in the United States.
Zicam app sizes up a person's chances of catching a cold
In six trials with participants exposed to short periods of extreme physical or cold stress or both (including marathon runners and skiers) vitamin C reduced
the common cold risk by half.
Why complementary medicine is better than Ibuprofen or Paracetamol in the prevention and treatment of respiratory infections (common cold and flu)
Zinc acetate lozenges may reduce duration of
the common cold by nearly 3 days, according to an analysis published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
Zinc lozenges may help patients recover earlier from cold
The significance and economic impact of coronaviruses as causative agents of
the common cold are hard to assess because, unlike rhinoviruses (another common cold virus), human coronaviruses are difficult to grow in the laboratory.
It is necessary to take actions to prevent coronavirus in Kyrgyzstan, MP says