The chattering classes' blindness to this has too often reduced the drug debate to questions of legalisation.
DEBATE; Are candidates' drug histories relevant in the Conservative leadership contest?
NO sooner has the leader of the free world, our greatest ally, our partner in defeating tyranny in two world wars, with the sacrifice of thousands of lives, thus affording
the chattering classes amongst us the freedom of infantile heckling and worse, our state media and others move into full anti Trump mode, giving vent to some of the most foul mouthed vitriol your ever likely to hear.
Our own state media in anti-Trump mode
General Raheel Sharif had then said that 'army would resolutely preserve its own dignity and institutional pride.' A section of
the chattering classes had run away with General Raheel Sharif's Ghazi base pronouncements to launch into a scurrilous and provocative discourse.
Sanity must prevail all around
NON-FICTION LOVE AFTER LOVE by Alex Hourston FABER & FABER, PS12.99, EBOOK PS5.03 HHH HH THIS an intense domestic tale of adultery among
the chattering classes.
NON-FITCION LOVE AFTER LOVE by Alex Hourston Faber & Faber, PS12.99, ebook PS5.03 HHH HH THIS an intense domestic tale of adultery among
the chattering classes.
The chattering classes are traumatised - he may well be alive for many years to come.
UK politicians should be silent on Trump; Views of Wales
And it vividly reveals what - away from
the chattering classes - has become a pretty widespread belief: That Islam is to blame for the terrorist atrocities of recent months.
Don't slip into racist hatred; DM1ST WEDNESDAY 21.06.2017 DAILY MIRROR 17 @MirrorAlison ...and another thing! ALISON PHILLIPS
We don't mind helping them but not if we are going to be ripped off by
the chattering classes. We look forward to your reply Councillor Ruane.
We need to look after UK poverty first; LETTERS
The chattering classes like it because they can get cheap tradesmen cleaners etc.
Surrendering the UK's freedoms
It was first a whispering campaign that started making the rounds of the grapevine in
the chattering classes, accusing our military and its intelligence agencies of harbouring Afghan Taliban in sanctuaries on our territory.
Traitorous talk
President Obama set
the chattering classes abuzz after his unilateral announcement to raise the minimum wage.
Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs
WHILE the brilliant and seemingly prophetic BBC2 comedy Twenty Twelve satisfies the cynicism of
the chattering classes, at the tougher end of the social strata the Olympics is something to take dead seriously.
The chattering classes wring their hands in anguish.
Banks are to blame; You Say
the chattering classes are pushing the notion hard, arguing that the dawning age of austerity is responsible for the nation's slow-lo-nonexistent economic recovery.
What budget cuts?
Matt Daniel and Kris Wood - the pair behind Newcastle catering firm Jackson's - have created a new business which aims to bring the fine dining experience enjoyed by
the chattering classes of Queensland, Australia, to the North East.