In order to
stimulate capital investment, TEI urges Congress to enact legislation to permit taxpayers to deduct additional first-year depreciation basis for qualified property placed in service after September 10, 2001.
TEI urges prompt enactment of economic stimulus legislation: November 13, 2001
"While we don't foresee that the keyboard and mouse will become obsolete anytime soon," says
STIMULATE project leader James Flanagan, "MIM technology opens possibilities for improving current computer applications and for developing entirely new ones that require more-refined modes of human-computer interaction."
3 The electrodes
stimulate the brain cells that control sight.
Seeing Is Believing
"This finding indicates that, as well as providing a route for axons to travel past the injury site, our cellular bridges must contain specific factors to
stimulate distant nerve cells to respond."
SPECIAL REPORT: The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis
They block hormonal actions and metabolic pathways associated with cancer evolution,
stimulate enzymes that flush out carcinogens and suppress the growth and division of cancer cells.
The Diet-Cancer Connection
We attempt to
stimulate the target muscle complex with constant tension throughout the fullest range of motion (safely) possible.
Barbells vs machines: balancing a weighty issue
But if they were to
stimulate the economy, the majority (57 percent) would use the investment tax credit; 50 percent would reduce the capital gains tax rate.
If you were president, what would you do about the economy?
The biotechnology industry has great potential to improve the health of the people of this country and to
stimulate economic growth.
Biotechnology: will it break the health care bank?
A nationwide survey of 1,400 CPA tax practitioners conducted by the American Institute of CPAs'tax division disclosed that many tax proposals now under consideration would do little to
stimulate economic growth.
AICPA poll casts doubt on tax proposal effectiveness
The Greater Vine City Opportunities Program and
Stimulate America Inc.
Toy Drive for Unemployed Parents
Other proteins, broadly known as neurotrophic factors,
stimulate some axon growth.
Eye for growth: new protein prompts optic nerve regrowth
The compounds (Figure 1) were synthesized and found to
stimulate MCF-7 human breast cancer proliferation in vitro and block sexual behavior in male rats (Mani et al.
Leukotoxin diols from ground corncob bedding disrupt estrous cyclicity in rats and stimulate MCF-7 breast cancer cell proliferation
Biodynamic growers use nine medicinal herbal, compost, and mineral preparations to enliven the soil and
stimulate plant growth.
Using the force ... the biodynamic way
The best positions to try are ones that
stimulate that front wall such as entry from behind.
The Sex Doctor: Blindspot onGspot
The state will invest $20 million in the "New York Main Street Program" which should
stimulate downtown revitalization in communities across the State.
State's $20m investment program is streets ahead