
  • (as) still as death
  • (but) still and all
  • (one) still has (one's) communion money
  • (one's) heart stands still
  • (someone had) better keep still about it
  • (still) going strong
  • a standstill
  • a still tongue makes a wise head
  • Are you still riding the goat?
  • be (still) going strong
  • be still going strong
  • be still in the game
  • be still my beating heart
  • be still my heart
  • be stock still
  • be, stay, stand, etc. stock-still
  • Better keep still about it
  • even/much/still less
  • have (one's) heart stand still
  • have heart stand still
  • heart misses a beat, one's
  • hold still
  • hold still for
  • hold still for (someone or something)
  • jury is still out
  • jury is still out, the
  • keep quiet
  • keep still
  • keep still (about something)
  • no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney
  • not hold still for (something)
  • not stand still for (something)
  • one's heart stands still
  • quiet as a mouse
  • sit still (for something)
  • sit still for
  • so still you could hear a pin drop
  • stand still
  • stand still for (someone or something)
  • stand still for (something)
  • stand stock still
  • stay still
  • stay still for (someone or something)
  • stay stock still
  • still and all
  • still as death
  • still small voice
  • still small voice, a
  • still tongue makes a wise head
  • still waters run deep
  • the jury is (still) out
  • the jury is out
  • the still of (the) night
  • the still of the night
  • the still small voice
  • the still, small voice
  • there's life in the old dog yet
  • wet behind the ears, (still)
References in classic literature
Having stilled its immemorial allocution to the moon, the watch-dog was assisting a negro who, prefixing a team of mules to the plow, was flatting and sharping contentedly at his task.
She turned from the window with gladness in her eyes, for the wife's chief dread was stilled.
I heard the crackle of fire in the sand pits and the sudden squeal of a horse that was as suddenly stilled. Then it was as if an invisible yet intensely heated finger were drawn through the heather between me and the Martians, and all along a curving line beyond the sand pits the dark ground smoked and crackled.
if our place of retreat escape this scrutiny, we are still safe!
He had even thought of retreating beyond a curvature in the natural wall, which might still conceal him and his companions, when by the sudden gleam of intelligence that shot across the features of the savage, he saw it was too late, and that they were betrayed.
A fish-hawk, which, secure on the topmost branches of a dead pine, had been a distant spectator of the fray, now swooped form his high and ragged perch, and soared, in wide sweeps, above his prey; while a jay, whose noisy voice had been stilled by the hoarser cries of the savages, ventured again to open his discordant throat, as though once more in undisturbed possession of his wild domains.
Another time she would have stilled the cravings for food until reaching her own home, where she would have brewed herself a cup of tea and taken a snack of anything that was available.
All night he lay there, alternately unconscious and painfully sentient; and in the latter state watching with savage hatred the lurid flames which still rose from burning crib and hay cock.
As the flames ate their way into the living-room, reaching out forked tongues to lick up the bodies of the dead, one of that gruesome company whose bloody welterings had long since been stilled, moved again.
Still clinging to the chair, supporting most of his weight on it, he shoved it to the door and out upon the veranda.
The seventh man was still at large, and was said to be working along the coast on the lookout to steal a canoe and get away to his own island.
Nervously alert, strung to extreme tension, but without alarm, still playing at the game of tracking, Jerry followed.
"Do you know the beggar intended to bush-whack us," Harley told Villa, who, half-dressed and still dressing, had joined him.
There was a fine manliness observable in almost every face; and in some a certain loftiness and sweetness that rebuked your belittling criticisms and stilled them.
There had been shrieks from among the women convicts, but they had been stilled, a hush had succeeded.