1. Something that has been obtained through criminal activity. Wow, all of this booty came from one robbery, huh?
2. Something that has been seized from an enemy, as during war. Soldiers sacked that town and left with a ton of booty.
3. slang The buttocks. Have you been working out? You've got a great booty! Of course you like her—you always like girls with big booties.
4. slang Someone or something that is viewed with displeasure. I'm trying to clean all the booty out of the garage once and for all. I mean, there's no reason for me to keep my old college textbooks.
5. vulgar slang Sexual encounters in general. I hope we meet cute guys tonight—I need to get some booty!
6. vulgar slang Collectively, potential sexual partners (typically women), considered and pursued solely as such. Ron's always looking for booty, so I think he's definitely going to cheat on his new girlfriend.
7. vulgar slang The female genitals. We're just friends—I'm sure he doesn't want my booty.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
and boodie and bootie and booty1. n. the buttocks. (Potentially offensive. Usually objectionable.) Look at the nice little boody on that guy.
2. n. someone or something disliked. (From sense 1) Why don’t you clean up all this boody? This place is a mess. Don’t be such a bootie!
3. n. the female genitals; the vulva and vagina. (Usually objectionable.) He wants to get into her boody.
4. n. women considered as a receptacle for the penis. (Rude and derogatory.) He likes boody better than anything.
verbSee boody
verbSee boody
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- (do) (you) want to make something of it?
- (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
- a/the feel of (something)
- all right
- a straw will show which way the wind blows
- (one) could use (something)
- a crack at (someone or something)
- (you) wanna make something of it?
- (one) never would have guessed
- all for the best