thirsty soul

thirsty soul

Someone craving or desiring a drink of some kind. We're looking for a few thirsty souls to try out and give feedback on our new range of non-alcoholic cocktails. No matter the time of day, there's always some thirsty soul drinking their sorrows away at my local bar.
See also: soul, thirsty
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

thirsty soul

n. a drunkard; a person in need of a drink. Yes, I’d call Bill a thirsty soul—he always seems thirsty for booze. There was a long line of thirsty souls waiting for the liquor joint to open.
See also: soul, thirsty
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • give with
  • give with (something)
  • give with something
  • sit up
  • queer beer
  • queer-beer
  • thirsty for
  • thirsty for (someone or something)
  • hurtin' for
  • hurting for (someone or something)
References in classic literature
And if you suppose something which pulls a thirsty soul away from drink, that must be different from the thirsty principle which draws him like a beast to drink; for, as we were saying, the same thing cannot at the same time with the same part of itself act in contrary ways about the same.
Now I think in good sooth that is one of Robin Hood's own men." So, presently, he said aloud, "O holy father, wilt thou not take a good pot of March beer to slake thy thirsty soul withal?"
He fell in with a friend or two coming back from bathing, proposed a glass of beer, to which they assented, the weather being hot, and they thirsty souls, and unaware of the quantity of drink which Flashman had already on board.
That's a refreshing drink of water to a thirsty soul, isn't it?
Connie Williams, Founder of CWI and Melchizedek Priesthood School of Ministry says: “Students will experience the Spirit of the Word to the degree that ancient mysteries will unfold like a refreshing glass of cool water to a thirsty soul. Melchizedek is the realm of greater works that Jesus declared His believers would experience.
In the barber's plate, beneath the poet's chin, the razor splashed like sharks in the sudsy bowl, while in the rolling hills of France the thin rasp of rain on tiles seemed remote; yet in the poet's mind the light rain roared with the din of monsoons in a raft-bound sailor's thirsty soul.
For God has more than enough love and life and laughter to fill every thirsty soul.
Your magazine was a glass of water for thirsty soul. It has reminded me that we are a growing social, political and economic force in America.
25:25 ("Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country"--Editor).
Proverbs 25 illustrates this need: ``As cold waters to a thirsty soul so is good news from afar country.'' The Christmas angel brought good news from the Kingdom of Heaven concerning the birth of God's Son to be our Saviour.
For times of devotion, or study and teaching, or sermon illustrations, or even for those times in the day when the thirsty soul needs a cool drink of living water, this is the tiny companion to have nearby.
Truth Tell Me Yours was like a pint of water to every thirsty soul in the first 50 rows of bodies.
inks, The Looking Glass, and Thirsty Souls, all situated beside each other.
Two thirsty souls meet up at a well in today's Gospel reading, but only one goes away with a drink.
Contestants in the Northern Ireland Cocktail Maker of the Year heats at Mahon's Hotel were dishing up delights to a room of thirsty souls from far and wide, and from just around the corner.