
Related to third: third base, third trimester
  • a fifth wheel
  • a fifth/third wheel
  • be a poor second
  • be a poor third
  • be/come a poor second, third, etc.
  • born on third base but believes (one) hit a triple
  • come a poor second
  • come a poor third
  • get the third degree
  • give (someone) the third degree
  • give someone the third degree
  • go down for the third time
  • in the first place
  • second, third, etc. hand
  • secondhand
  • steal a base
  • the third degree
  • third degree
  • third degree, to give/get the
  • third person
  • third rail
  • third string
  • third time lucky
  • third time pays for all
  • third time's a charm
  • third time's the charm
  • third wheel
  • third world
  • thirdhand
  • while two dogs are fighting for bone, a third one runs away with it
References in periodicals archive
In Under 63 Kg (Bantam Weight), Mehmood Khan (Wapda, First), Ashfaq (Army, Second) and Bashir (Railway, Third).
Updating the knowledge on the status of third molars would be helpful in clinical practice.
There are many references to the number three but nothing quite as important as the climax of our faith and Jesus' redemptive work, his resurrection on the third day (Luke 24:7).
For the third quarter of 2012, total revenue was USD 9.9b, a decrease of 2.6% year-over-year.
"Third Eye and SBS both focus on providing customized solutions to small businesses," said Steve Alexander, president of Third Eye Technologies.
If the employee received a bona fide offer from a third party that exceeded the RSC's offer, he or she could accept it and assign the contract to the RSC.
The third branchial pouch develops into the inferior parathyroid glands and the thymus.
on Thursday posted a net loss of $78 million for the third quarter after fuel hedging and merger-related costs.
The investigation subsequently identified a total of nine replacement checks, totaling in excess of $157,000, as having been requested and received by this third party from the complainant municipality during a 9-month period.
Discussing third world theology is in itself a difficult task.
Third Place: Terence Hsu, Eastern Division (Massachusetts); Alia Cohen, teacher
Description: This program is for producers in their second or third year, providing the competencies required to expand their client base and sales using needs-based selling.
Their versions contain the eloquence of the "white" acts and the snappy divertissements of the third act, but they are paring down the mime to make the ballet move more quickly.
Casei defensis, one of the three bacteria in DanActive, has been used successfully to treat diarrhea in children in the Third World.