thing of the past

thing of the past

1. Something that no longer exists. Those stores are a thing of the past—their parent company filed bankruptcy a few years ago.
2. By extension, something that is no longer popular or commonplace. I think everyone is glad that leisure suits are a thing of the past. In today's society, it certainly seems like manners are becoming a thing of the past.
See also: of, past, thing
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a thing of the ˈpast

something that no longer happens or exists: Everybody sends emails these days. Letter-writing has become a thing of the past.
See also: of, past, thing
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • a thing of the past
  • a crack at (someone or something)
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • all right
  • (you) wanna make something of it?
  • (something) is the new (something)
  • all for the best
  • a slew of (something)
References in classic literature
He was well acquainted with the way dilettanti have (the cleverer they were the worse he found them) of looking at the works of contemporary artists with the sole object of being in a position to say that art is a thing of the past, and that the more one sees of the new men the more one sees how inimitable the works of the great old masters have remained.
For long ambition has been like an ancient memory to me, some glorious day recalled from my springtime, so much a thing of the past that I must make a railway journey to revisit it as to look upon the pleasant fields in which that scene was laid.
"Whence it arises," he continued, "that when we see any person well dressed and making a figure with rich garments and retinue of servants, it seems to lead and impel us perforce to respect him, though memory may at the same moment recall to us some lowly condition in which we have seen him, but which, whether it may have been poverty or low birth, being now a thing of the past, has no existence; while the only thing that has any existence is what we see before us; and if this person whom fortune has raised from his original lowly state
"So you consider your childhood a thing of the past, do you, young lady?"
That business was a thing of the past. The business of love was at hand--ever a sterner and crueller business than that of food- getting.
I made what change I could in my appearance; and blithe was I to look in the glass and find the beggarman a thing of the past, and David Balfour come to life again.
In a moment more the last thread which bound her to them was broken; the familiar companionship of many months was a thing of the past already!
"It's the wrong time of the year to see Pajaro Valley," Benson said, when he again sat beside Saxon and Sargent's was a thing of the past. "Just the same, it's worth seeing any time.
Jo meantime devoted herself to literature and Beth, who remained delicate long after the fever was a thing of the past. Not an invalid exactly, but never again the rosy, healthy creature she had been, yet always hopeful, happy, and serene, and busy with the quiet duties she loved, everyone's friend, and an angel in the house, long before those who loved her most had learned to know it.
But that's a thing of the past. It's all over, Katharine.
LAHORE -- Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has said that the era of exhibitory development has become a thing of the past as real work is being carried out for durable development in the province.
Red tape in the energy sector will be 'a thing of the past' with the signing into law by the President of the Energy Virtual One-Stop Shop (EVOSS) Act, Senator Sherwin Gatchalian said Friday.
NEXT-DAY deliveries could become a "thing of the past" because of staff shortages after Brexit, a union warns.
But this could soon be a thing of the past as grandparents would rather splash the cash on themselves and have a good time during retirement.
"If every organization does this then wastage of resources will not only be a thing of the past but the practice which is now being done at night will be a thing of the past," Loloju said.