shots fired

shots fired

1. Literally, there have been gunshots. Typically used by law enforcement. Attention all units, shots fired at 1500 Oak Boulevard.
2. By extension, a humorous phrase used to acknowledge that someone has said or done something insulting or argumentative. A: "Shouldn't you nerds be studying or something?" B: "Shouldn't you be failing a career aptitude test or something?" C: "Ooh, shots fired!"
See also: fire, shot
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • literally
  • at the buzzer
  • buzzer
  • audi alteram partem
  • et vir
  • cover (one's) tracks (up)
  • cover one's tracks
  • cover tracks
  • cover your tracks
  • beat the living daylights out of someone
References in classic literature
Number Three and Number Twelve still slept, not having been aroused even by the shots fired by von Horn.
The signal of alarm was to be two shots fired in quick succession.
I had now to explain the revolver shots fired during the second phase.
Kennedy proposed to halt in this fine hunting-country, and Joe declared that the need of fresh meat was beginning to be felt; but the savage customs of the country, the attitude of the population, and some shots fired at the Victoria, admonished the doctor to continue his journey.
They had heard, faintly, the signal shots fired by the U-33 but had been unable to locate their direction and so had assumed that they had come from the guns of the Toreador.
The Moors held the place twelve hundred years ago, and a staunch old castle of theirs of that date still frowns from the middle of the town, with moss-grown battlements and sides well scarred by shots fired in battles and sieges that are forgotten now.
They both thought they had heard shots fired during the night--but they could not agree as to the direction.
"You don't think that it might have been two shots fired almost at the same instant?"
| January 11 - Duchy Road, Duchy, shots fired at a house causing damage to windows.
He is now set to be questioned in connection with: | Shots fired at a house on Lothian Street on January 28; | Shots fired at a home on Selborne Close two days later; | Shots fired at a property in Park Street on March 14; | Shots fired at the junction of Erin Street and Laxey Close on July 24.
Moments later, police were called to reports of shots fired on High Road.
Bell and two others Raymond Steward, 26, of North Chicago, and James Towns, 27, of Waukegan were involved in a series of shootings and a vehicle chase that led to the shots fired at the unidentified North Chicago police officer, authorities said.
There were initial reports of shots fired in a crowd gathered outside Hussle's clothing store in south Los Angeles, where the musician was shot and killed on Sunday, police and media reports said.
The reports reflected that the victim sustained fatal wounds from shots fired by police during a raid, it added.
(TAP) - Shots fired were fired at a bowling alley in Torrance, California, on Saturday and there have been multiple victims, police and local media said.