bolt from the blue

a bolt from the blue

Something unexpected or surprising. We always thought of Michael as a life-long bachelor, so it certainly was a bolt from the blue when he returned from his vacation sporting a wedding ring!
See also: blue, bolt
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

bolt from the blue

Fig. a sudden surprise. (Alludes to a stroke of lightning from a cloudless sky.) Joe's return to Springfield was a bolt from the blue. The news that Mr. and Mrs. King were getting a divorce struck all their friends as a bolt from the blue.
See also: blue, bolt
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

bolt from the blue

A sudden, shocking surprise or turn of events.
See also: blue, bolt
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

bolt from the blue, a

A sudden, unexpected event, usually of a catastrophic nature. The term refers to a bolt of lightning or thunder that comes from a blue (cloudless) sky and hence is not anticipated. Although “blue” was a poetic allusion to the sky by 1700, the precise expression dates from the early nineteenth century. It appears in Thomas Carlyle’s description of chaotic events of the French Revolution: “Arrestment, sudden really as a bolt out of the blue, has hit strange victims” (1837).
See also: bolt
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • bolt from the blue, a
  • a bolt from the blue
  • like a bolt from the blue
  • like a bolt out of the blue
  • bolt down
  • steal a march
  • steal a march on (someone or something)
  • steal a march upon (someone or something)
  • steal the march on (someone or something)
  • steal the march upon (someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
It was a bolt from the blue. It's a big blow for us but we've got a big squad and it's an opportunity for somebody else to come in and make an impact.'
The Novo Horizonte star ended up horizontal on a stretcher after a bolt from the blue struck him during the clash with Atletico Goianiense.
Pc Griffiths said: 'It was like a bolt from the blue when I was initially diagnosed with Parkinson's but it is surprising how adaptable the human race can be.' When he gets his Bachelor of Science degree next week at a ceremony in St David's Hall, Cardiff, it will be the culmination of four years' dedicated study.
Eileen Dines, who has three grandchildren at Tyne View, said: "We were told the council was looking at mergers and downsizing, but the announcement to close three came like a bolt from the blue. We will keep fighting."
Karl Kay and Susan Womphrey were in their terrace cottage when they were shaken by a bolt from the blue for the second time in three years.
One said: 'This is a bolt from the blue, we have held this contract for over 20 years and covered Wales when they were not doing well and being watched by 4,000 people at Wrexham.
He said: ``This has come as a bolt from the blue and I totally deny being involved.
AUDI SHH 4 A bit of a bolt from the blue at Frankfurt was the new Audi S4 which the company had kept rather quiet about.
BOLT FROM THE BLUE YONDER Usain wins 200m heat in Beijing
This strike is no bolt from the blue. Everybody has known it will happen for a week - more than enough time to decide who and where it will affect.
Danny Crow put the visitors in front with a bolt from the blue five minutes before half-time.
It is a real bolt from the blue. He has been charged in connection with Christopher Coleman, a man who he has never met or spoken to."
Terrified Karl Kay and Susan Womphrey were in their terraced cottage when they were shaken by a bolt from the blue for the second time in three years.
We were told our jobs were safe so this has come as a real bolt from the blue.
It has clearly come as a bolt from the blue to Olivia and the couple's son Dhani.