small potatoes

small potatoes

A tiny, trifling, and/or inconsequential person, thing, or amount (of something). To most people, $2,000 is a lot to spend on anything, but it's small potatoes to the country's mega rich. I've been trying to raise my concerns about the project, but I'm small potatoes to the company's upper management.
See also: potato, small
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

small potatoes

something or someone insignificant; small fry. This contract is small potatoes, but it keeps us in business till we get into the real money. Small potatoes are better than no potatoes at all.
See also: potato, small
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

small potatoes

If you describe something as small potatoes, you mean that it is small in amount or not important. An audience of 20,000 is small potatoes by his standards. All his influence and success are small potatoes compared with the opportunity that now lies before him.
See also: potato, small
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

small potatoes

something insignificant or unimportant.
This phrase originated in mid 19th-century American use, especially in the form small potatoes and few in the hill .
2002 Science Turner calls this budget a start but says it's ‘small potatoes’ compared to what will be needed to get fuel cell cars to market.
See also: potato, small
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

small potatoes

n. something or someone insignificant. This contract is small potatoes, but it keeps us in business till we get into the real money.
See also: potato, small
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

small potatoes

An inconsequential amount or insignificant item or matter. Dating from the mid-19th century, the phrase suggests not bothering with undersized spuds while harvesting or buying the vegetable.
See also: potato, small
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • small beer
  • chump change
  • budget dust
  • spit in the ocean
  • play a small part (in something)
  • meat puppet
  • the straw that breaks the camel's back
  • the straw that breaks the donkey's back
  • the straw that broke the camel's back
  • the straw that broke the donkey's back
References in periodicals archive
The organic farmers Small Potatoes works with, meanwhile, are motivated not just by altruism, but by the savings they reap by having gleaners, rather than laborers, take care of their unmarketable leftovers.
The star has also featured on TV shows including Small Potatoes on the UK's Channel 4, his own series The Omid Djalili Show on BBC 1 and on the American Sitcom Whoopi alongside Whoopi Goldberg on the NBC network.
Laser dazzlers, a nonlethal weapon that is designed to warn motorists at checkpoints to slow down or stop, could be considered a "hit." But that's small potatoes compared to the billions spent to develop high-flying concepts such as the airborne laser program, which seeks to mount a high-power chemical laser on lumbering 747 aircraft so it can shoot down ballistic missiles.
Better still, he has also found a use for all the small potatoes that are discarded from the process.
Given the outdated rules over expenses, houses and general cheating in Westminster, I think Martin's Air Miles, taxis and his home in Glasgow are small potatoes. That's not to say he is right to use those benefits expenses but he is within the rules - which are wrong.
During the recent budget battle, Congressman Dave Obey said, "I would suggest that restoring $16 billion in presidential cuts is mighty small potatoes compared to the $200 billion he wants us to spend in Iraq." Fair point.
Using this system a 500g pack of small potatoes cooks in just a few minutes in the microwave.
"I don't want to put anybody out of business, but at a lower rate, this is pretty small potatoes," Martin said.
The deal is small potatoes compared to potentially bold real estate moves the firm may be planning.
But his is still small potatoes - when compared with the biggest spud ever found.
It's small potatoes savings compared to the lighting upgrades and consolidated HVAC systems she's invested in, but her real goal is to buy acceptance to new ways for new days.
Although the closing of a 200 employee shop in New England might seem like "small potatoes," as you put it [in the Editor's Corner column, MAN, April '06], the fact that it was the only Winchester plant that made the All-American rifle, the lever-action Model 1894 is really important.
If $130,000 plus goodies is small potatoes for 2 1/2 years of prearranged marriage, it wasn't for lack of trying on Phyllis's part.
But that's small potatoes: A serious intellectual property climate means Brazilian, Indian, Chinese or Mexican innovations--of which there are plenty--stand a chance to pay back their home countries in future investment and wealth, something soy and sugar exports alone will never guarantee.
So putting $5 or $10 million into Vermont-compared to New York or California or Illinois-that's small potatoes.