And while the Irish pack the multiplexes in Dublin, Cork and Galway for their own movies--whether
shlocky horror, goofy comedies or heavy dramas like "Barley"--British auds are allergic to anything with an Irish accent.
'Wind' of change shakes Irish film
Having filled most of her early albums with tales of pain, drug and booze abuse and men who have wronged her, this time she is in far better shape, which leads toa succession of love songs to her producer husband - though sometimes they are a little too
shlocky for their own good.
The Razz singles and albums reviews: ALBUM OF THE WEEK; Mary J. Blige The Breakthrough
But Brad let slip that he thinks the Gold Coast "is a
shlocky tourist area".
Though it's still pretty
shlocky, pic gains from quoting the classics from "Dial M for Murder" to "Vertigo." Co-produced by sales company RAI Trade as the first in a proposed made-for-TV thriller series, this enjoyable romp should amuse young DVD buyers the world over.
Do You Like Hitchcock?
Production values are solid, with Cliff Bradley's rousing music score adding distinction to the deliberately
shlocky goings-on.
"We got rid of a lot of the
shlocky, lower-end titles because the video business is not there.
Canadian market remains risky
It's not happenstance, of course: The intimacy of movies better serves the genre's visceral appeal, as the unfortunate "Voices in the Dark," which trades on the same
shlocky shocks that are scary movies' stock in trade, only succeeds in proving.3