shit-eating grin

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shit-eating grin

rude slang A facial expression denoting arrogance, smugness, or self-satisfaction. Primarily heard in US. I really wanted to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face after he won the poker game.
See also: grin
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • game face
  • coprophagous grin
  • a face as long as a fiddle
  • a long face
  • a long face, to wear/draw/pull
  • long face
References in periodicals archive
Shortly thereafter, "with a big shit-eating grin," Richie looses his two pitbulls on Jared.
Dave waded into the dispute with his trademark shit-eating grin, flip-flopped the verdict three or four times and then momentarily pretended like he'd been struck deaf.
Blumenthal astutely highlighted Indyk's J Street tirade blaming late PLO leader Arafat with "that big shit-eating grin of his" for the failings of the so-called Clinton peace parameters, despite the fact that Arafat had indeed accepted them.
Looking like the girl most likely to become a kinky school librarian, she hurls herself through the movie's gauntlet of humiliating physical comedy with stumblebum aplomb, whether trying to save face after an awkward bathing-suit malfunction or sporting a quite literal shit-eating grin. Connie Britton and Clark Gregg also share a few choice moments as Brandy's parents.
Bookseller and activist Derek Link is seen delivering a shit-eating grin into a friend's camera and chuckling, "We're at People With AIDS health group, the largest underground buyer's club in the United States.
She looks away from the viewer with what only can be described as a 'shit-eating grin'.
"So now I am walking around with a shit-eating grin on my face."
Lillian Hellman is a "Mythomaniac grump," Valerie Bettis's "pelvic thrusts make Martha Graham buffs hiss," and Mary McCarthy wears a "shit-eating grin"--the Boys Only Club version of this scene gets old fast.
Frank Stella sports a shit-eating grin. The successful painter, cigar in hand, is revealed to be nearly toothless; under Arbus's dangerous lens, his smile becomes vampyric, grotesque.
He calls "Pink Flamingos," which remains his most infamous work, outright "terrorism against hippies." It culminates with Divine chowing down on real dog feces, shit-eating grin to boot--a scene that retains its nauseating power even to this day.
What they actually did on the deck of the "Teddy" was to march about with shit-eating grins, as if to say, Pardon us for being elected.
You don't even want to think about the occasions-the shit-eating grins and forced bonhomie-that poor, stupid Clarence is remembering here.