

An exclamation of exasperation, vexation, or annoyance. A: "Tom? The boss wants to see you for a minute." B: "Sheesh, what does he want now?" Sheesh! I thought I would never get through all those math problems!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


exclam. Damn!; Shit! (A euphemism for Shit!) Sheesh! What a mess!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • sheesh
  • (for) land('s) sake(s) (alive)
  • 50
  • a throw
  • $100, £50, etc. a throw
  • instill (something) in(to) (someone or something)
  • instill in
  • Land o' Goshen!
  • inculcate (someone) with (something)
References in periodicals archive
A surprised Jimmy looked at the barman and in hopeless anguish, cried: "Sheesh! How many pubs do you work in?"
Clearly, this book was a labor of love, by Calhoun, who is identified merely as a fan of McG.'s (ok, a fan of obits, sheesh!) but it is simply not a joy to read, even for its handful of genuinely funny moments.
"We do not know where that leak came from, do we, Kardinal Karl?" Sheesh! "As a Supreme Court judge, John G.
Sheesh! Worst of all, she "demanded academic excellence" and made him listen to her read from Scientific American.
Sheesh! Mark Wright and Lauren Goodger are STILL arguing - six years after they split.
Sheesh! Remember when it was just called taking a photo and that was that?