An exclamation of exasperation, vexation, or annoyance. A: "Tom? The boss wants to see you for a minute." B: "Sheesh, what does he want now?" Sheesh! I thought I would never get through all those math problems!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
(ʃiʃ) exclam. Damn!; Shit! (A euphemism for Shit!) Sheesh! What a mess!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- sheesh
- (for) land('s) sake(s) (alive)
- 50
- a throw
- $100, £50, etc. a throw
- instill (something) in(to) (someone or something)
- instill in
- Land o' Goshen!
- inculcate (someone) with (something)