

1. Unable to focus one's attention on something; distracted, preoccupied, or otherwise unable to take a proper, productive interest in something. A: "I've been feeling a little spacey at work lately." B: "Something on your mind? Is everything OK at home?" My parents are so spacey, they'll never even notice that I was gone for the night.
2. Confused, disoriented, or stupefied, from or as from drug use. Getting knocked in the head like that left me pretty spacey. You seem really spacey. Have you been smoking reefer again?
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


See spaced out
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • a fast talker
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • (one) could use (something)
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • a crack at (someone or something)
  • all right
  • (you) wanna make something of it?
  • all for the best
  • a thing of the past
References in periodicals archive
The Rome trip comes after prosecutors last month dropped sexual assault proceedings against Spacey following the collapse of the case over his alleged victim's refusal to testify.
Spacey appeared at a pretrial hearing last month but has not yet appeared in court again.
The Old Vic theatre in London, where Spacey was artistic director from 2004 to 2015, found 20 people who claimed they had been subjected to inappropriate behaviour from him.
Anthony Rapp alleged he was 14 when Spacey, then 26, made a sexual advance to him in 1986.
On Friday, Spacey's lawyer Alan Jackson accused the man of deleting text messages that support Spacey's innocence.
Another court date was set for March and although Spacey does not have to appear personally, he must be available by phone, the judge said.
Spacey lawyer Alan Jackson said there is data that is "likely exculpatory" for Spacey.
The judge also ordered Spacey's accuser and the man's then-girlfriend to preserve text messages and other data on their cellphones from the day of the alleged assault and six months after.
In the most recent photos of Spacey, the actor was wearing a blue coat and black pants.
The alleged victim is accusing Spacey of giving him drinks and "touching" him "through the top of [his] pants",CBS Newsreports.
Spacey Street artist Akse, whose impressive images are known throughout the city, used Thurman's image to replace that of Spacey, who said he would seek 'treatment' after dozens of allegations of inappropriate behaviour were made against him.
KEVIN Spacey still appears in a scene in All The Money In The World despite being re-cast, his replacement Christopher Plummer has said.
The actor was already cut out of Ridley Scott's movie, "All the Money in the World." Now, the hit Netflix TV series will be completed without its main star after Spacey was fired over sexual harassment claims.Production for the sixth and final season of the political thriller "House of Cards" will begin early in 2018, without star Kevin Spacey, Netflix announced on Monday.
The Old Vic theatre in London said on Thursday it had received 20 separate allegations of inappropriate conduct by Kevin Spacey from 20 men who came into contact with him at the theatre, or in connection with it, between 1995 and 2013.
KEVIN Spacey showed his weakness for younger men by entertaining groups of male pals at a backstreet Soho jazz club.