slip between the cracks

slip between the cracks

To go unnoticed or undealt with; to be unintentionally neglected or ignored, especially in a corporate, political, or social system. With other issues like drug addiction and unemployment taking priority for the government, the welfare of children in the foster system very often slips between the cracks. We were all so busy drawing up the contracts for this new deal that the appreciation dinner we'd promised to our interns simply slipped between the cracks.
See also: between, crack, slip
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

slip between the cracks

Fig. [for someone or something] to be forgotten or neglected. (Fig. on something being lost by falling between floorboards.) Where is Alice? I guess we neglected her and she slipped between the cracks, This issue seems to have slipped between the cracks and become forgotten.
See also: between, crack, slip
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • slip through the cracks
  • slip through the net
  • fall through the cracks
  • through the cracks
  • have a loose tongue
  • loose lip(s)
  • loose talk
  • leave good (enough) alone
  • by coincidence
  • coincidence
References in periodicals archive
In amongst Europe, a looming Old Firm game and the headlines being made for all the wrong reasons by their fans, it's the kind of game he knows they can't let slip between the cracks of their season.
The researchers believe that this knowledge could help doctors catch at-risk individuals who might otherwise slip between the cracks of prevention efforts.
VETS Canada volunteers work hard for homeless and needy veterans, often helping those who 'slip between the cracks' of other programs.
FEARS that returning Welsh troops slip between the cracks because of confusion over who should provide support for them have been raised.
Maybe that's why so many girls become wafer-thin, the better to slip between the cracks and disappear.