spread to

spread to (someone, something, or some place)

1. To move, disperse, or be distributed to another thing or place. Contact me as soon as possible if the rash spreads to any other part of your body. We need to contain the oil spill before it spreads to the river.
2. To cause something to move, disperse, or be distributed to another person, place, or thing. I always put a knob of butter in the middle the toast, let it get soft, then spread it to the edges. Please cover your mouth when you sneeze, or you'll spread germs to everyone in the house!
3. Of a condition or state, to extend to and affect or engulf some other place. The movement gained a footing in France, then spread to other countries around the world. The rioting began in downtown L.A., but quickly spread to the rest of the city.
4. To cause some condition or state to reach, affect, or engulf some other place. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "spread" and "over." The senator said that we should be trying to spread democracy to every corner of the world. The regime began spreading war to its neighboring countries in a bid to control the entire region.
See also: spread
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

spread to someone or something

to expand or extend to reach someone or something. The epidemic finally spread to me and my family. The business slowdown spread to the West Coast.
See also: spread
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • spread to (someone, something, or some place)
  • spread on
  • be in contact with (one)
  • contact
  • in contact with (one)
  • spread onto
  • spread onto (something or some place)
  • contact with (one)
  • contact with a link to
  • have contact with (one)
References in classic literature
A year had not elapsed before the habit had spread to all but the very highest of the Nobility.
4c collected on the package, as they sold the put spread to buy the call spread.
Some physicians, including the authors of this paper, tend to position the needle tip at the patient's painful side (right or left) to ensure an effective drug spread to the target area of the pain.
We recommend tracking the spread between the issues and find the Eurobond RSHB-18 an interesting buy if the spread to AIZK-18 totals about 60 b.
In particular, many studies find that the ability of the term spread to forecast output growth has diminished in recent years, although it remains a reliable predictor of recessions.
Insurance companies have what is often termed an interest-rate spread to cover expenses, benefit costs, and targeted profit margins.
Before deciding which spread to buy, perhaps the question is "should you even use a spread?"
Figure 2C illustrates the population-weighted overlay of all Anatidae species flyways that coincide with locations of HPAI H5N1 virus in Russia and Kazakhstan observed during the summer 2005, i.e., the spread to be expected if only the bird species using the Caspian Sea flyway had been responsible for further spread.
"H5N1 viruses grow so rapidly [in chickens] after infection that they spread to multiple organs, such as the lungs and brain," says Erich Hoffmann, a virologist at St.
It is found primarily in bird populations, but may be spread to other species, including humans.
As to the expected spread, unfortunately, at this time there is no reason to think beech scale will not spread to wherever there are beech trees.
By identifying which genes are overactive in certain breast tumors, researchers have discovered a genetic signature that could help doctors predict if and when a woman's cancer might spread to her lungs.
In this connection, note that the Conference Board, which added the yield curve spread to its index of leading indicators in 1996, announced in June 2005 that it will adjust its procedures so as to focus on the level and not on the change.
The goal is to prevent interspecies spread and both "save" the animals but also to prevent the potential spread to humans.
(5) Spread to the tracheobronchial tree has been associated with a previous tracheotomy in more than 95% of cases.