An unpleasant, detestable, repellent person, especially one who makes lecherous advances or lewd remarks; a sleazy person. My last manager was a total sleazo, always implying that he and I should hook up sometime. There are a couple of sleazos at the bar eyeing us up.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
and sleazoid (ˈslizo(ɪd)) mod. low; disreputable; sleazy. Let’s get out of this sleazo joint.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- a big fish in a small pond
- a big frog in a small pond
- big fish in a small pond
- big frog in a small pond
- frog in a small pond
- pond
- hanger-on
- good Samaritan
- a good Samaritan
- change off