

An unpleasant, detestable, repellent person, especially one who makes lecherous advances or lewd remarks. My last manager was a total sleazeball, always implying that he and I should hook up sometime. There's some sleazeball at the bar eyeing us up.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a repellent person. Who is that sleazeball with the earring?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • sleazebag
  • sleez
  • sleazo
  • sleazoid
  • sleaze-bucket
  • slimeball
  • slime bucket
  • slimebag
  • slime bag
  • sludgeball
References in periodicals archive
Most recently the CEO of music company Patari had to leave the company in the wake of damning screenshots; Twitter user @lanaschild has compiled a list of sleazeballs who have been stalking, harassing and according to some, even grooming young girls online.
This sleazeball, caught up in his own misguided sense of importance, was ill-advised to speak out and seek to defend the indefensible.
When he started calmly bumping people off - including, thankfully, the standard issue sneering sleazeball journo - then spying on others from a bizarre pyramid of office furniture, it was clear this silent assassin was stark staring mad.
This sleazeball has no place advising anybody on anything, but it shows that, along with Jeffrey Archer, the Conservatives haven't learnt their lesson.
I WANT CANDY (15) Two film students approach a sleazeball producer to finance their 90 minute masterpiece.
Maguire is particularly convincing through Peter's dark night of the soul, which proves an unlikely breeding ground for humour in a fantastically funky sequence which turns Peter from upset romantic to nasty sleazeball.
But things start getting really muddy when the next victim is the sleazeball who had walked free thanks to Mackelway's snafu and it turns out the dead salesman was a sicko responsible for the murders of several children.
His follow up to that smash hit, a crazy secret agent character in Once Upon A Time In Mexico is based on a Hollywood sleazeball he once knew 'who aimed to do you over but you almost didn't mind because he was so fascinating to watch'.
"My best friend in high school, Mikey Nussbaum, had balls like that," says Leo, the straight-guy Jersey sleazeball who's fixated on the Carrara marble genitals in front of him.
Not once, but twice during this primetime half hour, I had to suffer through, what I call, a sleazeball commercial.
They all thought he was a liar, a brute, and a sleazeball. Sure, he provided good intelligence on his trading partners in Havana, but he was also a double-dealer who was passing Fidel Castro who-knew-howmany secrets of ours.
It is possible to argue that Suzuki represents the last word in Japanese schizo-aesthetics, that idiomatic confusion of high and low, sleazeball content and contemplative form.
Don't even bother to ask for a lawyer; they'll give you a sleazeball. Just tell the nice D.A.
Boys have "butts," her Sixties housewife-mother was "pissed off" at her lot in life, Spiro Agnew was a "sleazeball."
The implication that he was a sleazeball. The corrections and apologies that followed from various news outlets.