As the federal government seems to treat community property owned by California domestic partners as
separate property for income tax purposes, it seems unlikely that it would classify such property as community property owned by both partners for purposes of determining an individual's net worth in the Medicare or bankruptcy context.
Potential pitfalls: financial planning challenges for registered domestic partners
Such plants are often configured to
separate OCC from the other paper grades, often as the "overs" fraction of an automated screening process.
Full recovery: mixed C&D recyclers must weigh how to best pull the OCC from their complicated stream of materials
It recommended that the combination rule be expanded to include
separate units that are owned directly or indirectly by domestic corporations that are members of the same consolidated group, as well as dual resident corporations.
Revised DCL rules represent a good start, but modifications needed, TEI tells government
However, using VSANs, storage administrators no longer need
separate pairs of switches for each SAN connection.
New routing strategies help storage area networks grow up
Did the paper towel
separate the vinegar from the water?
Filter this
Describe ways in which establishing
separate black and white schools was unfair.
Jim Crow laws
While federal regulations stipulate that corporations and L.L.C.s must keep business activity
separate from personal activity, commingling funds can sometimes be irresistible to sole proprietors and home-based businesses.
The need for separate accounts: business owners and independent contractors need more than a personal bank account
Your reviewer found himself asking precisely the same question as he made his way through A Promise Fulfilled: Highlights in the Political History of Catholic
Separate Schools in Ontario, Michael Power's magisterial account of how Ontario Catholics won their children fully funded education from kindergarten to high-school graduation.
A promise fulfilled: Highlights in the political history of Catholic separate schools in Ontario
The Rogerenes existed primarily in New England and New Jersey, while the Keithians were extant in Pennsylvania and were identifiable as a
separate group for less than two decades.
The influence of Calvinism on colonial Baptists: an ongoing argument emerging in the past decades of Baptist life revolves around the theological origins of early Baptists generally, specifically in America, and the role that Calvinist theology played in Baptist development
It attacked all school segregation on the theory that the "
separate but equal" doctrine was wrong.
Separate is not equal: fifty years ago this May, the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in the nation's public schools was unconstitutional. It was a major victory in the long struggle for civil rights
But some raised questions about whether or not the procedure, the first-ever attempt to
separate adult craniopagus twins, should have been attempted.
The legacy of Ladan and Laleh
Contrary to this guiding principle of African spirituality, spirituality and sexuality for many African Americans tend to be seen as
separate and unequal.
The spirit is willing and the flesh is too: integrating spirituality and sexuality
SIAMESE twins joined at the head jet out to the United States yesterday for a special birthday present - a specialist operation to
separate them.
Birthday twins hope for gift of life
When the calender is running, there are forces generated that try to
separate the rolls.
Calender gauge control tips. (Process Machinery)
For many neuroscientists, these investigations light the way toward a solution to the fundamental mystery of how the brain unites
separate sensations into multifaceted experiences.
Joined at the Senses