the body beautiful

the body beautiful

The conception of an ideal physical beauty. While we tend to focus on women, we forget that ideas of the body beautiful also cause stress, anxiety, and depression for many men, too.
See also: beautiful, body
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

the body beautiful

an ideal of physical beauty.
1992 Mother Jones About 75,000 women a year elect to have cosmetic surgery, spurred on by ubiquitous images of the body beautiful.
See also: beautiful, body
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • a faint heart
  • faint
  • faint of heart
  • the faint of heart
  • make (oneself) miserable
  • make oneself miserable
  • give (someone) the shakes
  • not know what to do with (oneself)
  • not know what to do with yourself
  • strung-out shape
References in periodicals archive
If you are so set on the body beautiful, Yann, can I point you in the direction of Halle Berry, 52, Elle Macpherson, 54 and Sharon Stone, 60.
In search of the body beautiful, Sam Barton had 1,300 injections in his face
Artist Nicola Canavan is exposing the body beautiful in her latest project studying motherhood.
The survey by lingerie company Bluebella has found that men and women have very different ideas of the body beautiful and while men love Kardashian's bust size along with Brook's curves, women adore the face of Cara Delevingne, boyish hips of Emma Watson and Kate Middleton's luscious locks, the Daily Star reported.
American teens have become obsessed with the shape of their legs -- just the latest fad when it comes to peer pressure, adolescent angst and the body beautiful. Sadly, though, as a result of this unhealthy obsession, teens are developing serious medical conditions, both physical and mental.
THE summer holidays are upon us; time to peel off the layers and reveal the body beautiful. But, if you are cursed with stubborn areas of fat and the dreaded cellulite (and, let's be honest, most of us are - even those with a slim silhouette can have that 'orange peel' texture to their skin), there is a quick and easy way to remove the fat and smooth away cellulite - without surgery!
(9pm BBC2) THE first part of Dr Michael Scott's fascinating new series about the ancient Greeks unravels a culture that championed survival of the fittest and whose obsession with the body beautiful rivalled even our own.
Us bathers were agreeing that we were grateful to the naturists who use the swimming pool for teaching us that the body beautiful comes in all shapes and sizes.
FEELING the pressure to create the body beautiful can have us spending exorbitant amounts at local health clubs and facilities.
Poet Laura Yes Yes, author of the book, "How To Seduce A White Boy in Ten Easy Steps," gets straight to the point in her poem, "The Body Beautiful," which she says is, "every artist's first love." It's very true, and Yes Yes's poetry explores the body's pleasures and sensuality with both steam and no small amount of wit.
We've become a nation obsessed by all the wrong things, fame, the body beautiful and money.
Painting the body beautiful; a showcase of expert body painting.
Body art at its best is profiled in PAINTING THE BODY BEAUTIFUL, a stunning collection of body painting images organized by theme and captured in photos by Art Ketchum, documenting the painting work of Jim Brando.
He wants the body beautiful - the trouble is, he can't bring himself to do anything about it.
FORGET the body beautiful, our women in the North East prefer men who can cook rather than a rippling six pack.