She was convinced that Margaret had fixed on a person whose name she could not bear with composure to become a
standing joke with Mrs.
Sense and Sensibility
Her loquacity was a
standing joke between them, and he answered:
Of Human Bondage
Language cannot describe the anxieties, experiences, and exertions which Jo underwent that morning, and the dinner she served up became a
standing joke. Fearing to ask any more advice, she did her best alone, and discovered that something more than energy and good will is necessary to make a cook.
Little Women
He had a notion it must have been a certain Member of Parliament of illustrious parentage and unconventional sympathies, which were the
standing joke of the comic papers.
The Secret Agent
standing joke in the two bureaus was the question whether he wore corsets, and bets depended on it.
This being one of the
standing jokes between the old fellows and Tim, they all three laughed very heartily, and might have laughed much longer, but that the brothers, seeing that Mrs Nickleby was labouring to express her feelings, and was really overwhelmed by the happiness of the time, took her between them, and led her from the room under pretence of having to consult her on some most important arrangements.
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
Go into the Court of Chancery yonder and ask what is one of the
standing jokes that brighten up their business sometimes, and they will tell you that the best joke they have is the man from Shropshire.
Bleak House
Our standing army risks becoming a
standing joke. Next thing they'll be hiring Serco to fight Britain's wars.
Hiring firms to recruit soldiers? aaabout turn!
Mr Clark, who was urged to check his stash by his partner and her niece, said: "It was a
standing joke that I had these tickets while there was a local prize outstanding, so they were on at me to check."
PS76m ticket 'stuffed in winner's van'
"It was something of a
standing joke that I had all these tickets while there was a local prize outstanding, so for weeks they were on at me to check."
PS76m lottery ticket left in van for weeks
"It's a bit of a
standing joke in the dressing room that we're the favourites to go down all the time.
Drop talk is some laugh
His new book, Vegetable Perfection, shows how to turn veg into a mealtime centrepiece and he says: "There's a
standing joke in many kitchens that any vegetarian dish can be improved with bacon, but the reality is that it shows ignorance of the options and flavours vegetables can produce."
Perfection on a plate; MasterChef winner Mat Follas shows MARION MCMULLEN the perfect way to veg out
"We must be the most disorganised people on the planet and it actually became a
standing joke between us.
He told the FA interviewer: "It's a
standing joke with me, I mean a woman's place is in the home and everything so what difference does it make saying it in front of all her colleagues?
Northumberland County FA vice president loses his appeal over ban; Vice president of Northumberland County FA loses appeal over four-month ban
It was a
standing joke with a colleague that, after impact test results from one particular consultancy project, we politely declined green hard hats on factory visits.
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