
Related to standing: standing committee
  • (as) sure as I'm standing here
  • (as) sure as you're standing there
  • (one's)/the hair is standing up on the back on (one's) neck
  • a dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants
  • able to do (something) standing on (one's) head
  • able to do blindfolded
  • can do something standing on your head
  • could (do something) standing on (one's) head
  • do (something) standing on (one's) head
  • do blindfolded
  • do something standing on your head
  • leave (something or someone) standing
  • leave somebody/something standing
  • leave someone or something standing
  • not stand on ceremony
  • not stand still for (something)
  • stand (idly) by
  • stand (in) back of (someone or something)
  • stand (one)
  • stand (one) for (something)
  • stand (one) to (something)
  • stand (one's) ground
  • stand (something) on its head
  • stand (there) with (one's) bare face hanging out
  • stand a round
  • stand against (someone or something)
  • stand apart (from someone or something)
  • stand around
  • stand aside
  • stand at (something)
  • stand back
  • stand behind (someone or something)
  • stand between (someone or something) and (someone or something)
  • stand by
  • stand by (one's) guns
  • stand down
  • stand fast
  • stand firm
  • stand from under
  • stand guard
  • stand head and shoulders above (someone or something)
  • stand in (one's) own light
  • stand in (someone's or something's) way
  • stand in (someone's) shoes
  • stand in awe (of someone or something)
  • stand in for (someone or something)
  • stand in the gap
  • stand jiggers
  • stand off
  • stand off from (someone or something)
  • stand on
  • stand on (one's) hands
  • stand on (one's) head
  • stand on (one's) own (two) feet
  • stand on (one's)/its own
  • stand on (someone's) shoulders
  • stand on ceremony
  • stand on end
  • stand on the shoulders of giants
  • stand or fall by (something)
  • stand out
  • stand out a mile
  • stand out like a sore thumb
  • stand outside (of) (something)
  • stand over
  • stand pat (on something)
  • stand shoulder to shoulder
  • stand still for (something)
  • stand stock still
  • stand the gaff
  • stand the pace
  • stand the test of time
  • stand to (attention)
  • stand to (do something)
  • stand to lose (something)
  • stand to reason
  • stand together
  • stand trial
  • stand up
  • stand up against (someone or something)
  • stand up and be counted
  • stand up for (someone or something)
  • stand up in court
  • stand up to (someone or something)
  • stand up with (one)
  • stand well with (one)
  • stand with (one)
  • stand your ground
  • standing in high cotton
  • standing joke
  • standing on (one's) head
  • standing on one's head
  • standing order
  • Standing Rock
  • sure as God made little green apples
References in periodicals archive
The Chairpersons present in the workshop were: Syed Amin Ul Haque Chairman Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat, Mr.
The Speaker said it was his priority to strengthen the standing committees in National Assembly and he stressed on working on out of the box solutions to resolve the issues faced during working of the standing committees.
PPP's Syed Naveed Qamar became the chairman of the Standing Committee on Commerce and Textile and Syed Mustafa Mahmud the chairman of the Standing Committee on Privatisation.
Likewise, Senator A Rehman Malik, Chairman, Standing Committee on Interior, presented yet another report of the Standing Committee on the Day Care Centres Bill, 2018, introduced by Senator Quratulain Marri, on 12th November, 2018 and the report of the Standing Committee on the Exit from Pakistan (Control) (Amendment) Bill, 2018, introduced by Senator Mian Raza Rabbani, on 12th November, 2018.
League One Shrewsbury Town will be the first English club to trial Dortmund-style safe standing rail seats which can be locked away to allow standing next season, as Celtic started doing last term.
I will not support standing given the tragedies that we have seen!" But fans said the veteran MP was out of touch.
The researchers sifted through the almost 700 studies that have sought to measure the health benefits of standing desks.
Standing desks can be expensive, so make sure that they will be used properly when you bring them into a workplace.
I designed this product with thousands of existing office workstations in mind, said William Lager, creator of Standing inOvation.
Brentford also have standing areas but, as a newly promoted club, they are allowed a set amount of time to bring their ground up to scratch.
One is whether agencies have authority ("jurisdiction") to grant a discretionary form of standing where legislation provides for standing.
Welsh Conservatives leader Andrew RT Davies has said he wants a safe standing pilot study after winning cross-party support following a vote in the Assembly earlier this year.
HILLSBOROUGH campaigners expressed mixed views over potential plans to bring back standing areas at British football matches.
THERE has been an overwhelming response to yesterday's article on safe standing at Villa Park, with 93 per cent of fans voting in our online poll saying they would welcome a trial standing section.
But the Cardiff City Supporters' Club said fans had been consistently warned about standing in the Ninian Stand over the past two seasons and have been offered the chance to relocate to the Canton Stand if they wished to stand.