Related to standing: standing committee
- (as) sure as I'm standing here
- (as) sure as you're standing there
- (one's)/the hair is standing up on the back on (one's) neck
- a dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants
- able to do (something) standing on (one's) head
- able to do blindfolded
- can do something standing on your head
- could (do something) standing on (one's) head
- do (something) standing on (one's) head
- do blindfolded
- do something standing on your head
- leave (something or someone) standing
- leave somebody/something standing
- leave someone or something standing
- not stand on ceremony
- not stand still for (something)
- stand (idly) by
- stand (in) back of (someone or something)
- stand (one)
- stand (one) for (something)
- stand (one) to (something)
- stand (one's) ground
- stand (something) on its head
- stand (there) with (one's) bare face hanging out
- stand a round
- stand against (someone or something)
- stand apart (from someone or something)
- stand around
- stand aside
- stand at (something)
- stand back
- stand behind (someone or something)
- stand between (someone or something) and (someone or something)
- stand by
- stand by (one's) guns
- stand down
- stand fast
- stand firm
- stand from under
- stand guard
- stand head and shoulders above (someone or something)
- stand in (one's) own light
- stand in (someone's or something's) way
- stand in (someone's) shoes
- stand in awe (of someone or something)
- stand in for (someone or something)
- stand in the gap
- stand jiggers
- stand off
- stand off from (someone or something)
- stand on
- stand on (one's) hands
- stand on (one's) head
- stand on (one's) own (two) feet
- stand on (one's)/its own
- stand on (someone's) shoulders
- stand on ceremony
- stand on end
- stand on the shoulders of giants
- stand or fall by (something)
- stand out
- stand out a mile
- stand out like a sore thumb
- stand outside (of) (something)
- stand over
- stand pat (on something)
- stand shoulder to shoulder
- stand still for (something)
- stand stock still
- stand the gaff
- stand the pace
- stand the test of time
- stand to (attention)
- stand to (do something)
- stand to lose (something)
- stand to reason
- stand together
- stand trial
- stand up
- stand up against (someone or something)
- stand up and be counted
- stand up for (someone or something)
- stand up in court
- stand up to (someone or something)
- stand up with (one)
- stand well with (one)
- stand with (one)
- stand your ground
- standing in high cotton
- standing joke
- standing on (one's) head
- standing on one's head
- standing order
- Standing Rock
- sure as God made little green apples