Business news was, at best, little more than a weed-strewn patch in which corporate
flackery waved in the dusty breeze.
We don't believe that "appearance is reality," the spin-meisters' motto, and we resent people who assume that we'll fall for their
Capital cynics: Who do they think they're fooling?
Carlson calls Norquist's
flackery "a remarkably cynical reversal, even by Washington standards." But Drew devotes only half a paragraph to Norquist's born-again career as a lobbyist, totally missing the ideological backflip inherent in his representation of the Seychelles.
Whatever It Takes
Callow is both sharp and fair about the moments when Welles softened to the rewards of commerce--notably when the Mercury Theatre of the Air got a sponsor, and Welles's radio dramas started to blend in with
flackery for Campbell's soup.
Orson Welles: The Road to Xanadu, vol. 1
Call these gigs what you will -- corporate communications, publicity,
flackery, public relations -- the people who hold these top posts at studios and, to some degree, at talent agencies, perform jobs that are lucrative, high-adrenaline and relatively thankless.
They are increasingly filled with sensation, rumor, press agent
flackery and bloated trivialities at the expense of significant facts ....
"News Is a Verb: Journalism at the End of the Century."
Touted as the Liar's Poker of Capitol Hill, Jackley's account does live up to the publisher's
flackery. It entertains as it damns.
Hangin' with the houseboyz