skin up
Related to skin up: skinned up
skin up
1. To scrape off the outer layer of skin (from something). A noun or pronoun can be used between "skin" and "up." I skinned up the palms of my hands when I fell off my bike. He skinned his elbow up when it scraped against the brick wall.
2. To hand roll a cigarette, especially one filled with cannabis. Hey man, you want to come by and skin up a little later? He always goes to his car on his lunch breaks to skin up.
See also: skin, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
skin up
1. To bruise, cut, or injure the skin or surface of something: He fell off his skateboard and skinned up his knee. She slipped on the sidewalk and skinned her arm up.
2. To roll a cigarette: I pulled out a pouch of tobacco and skinned up.
See also: skin, up
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
- base off (of) (something else)
- check off
- bite off
- blow off the map
- blow someone/something off
- blow off
- brass off
- brass someone off
- brassed off
- call off