
a barking dog seldom bites

proverb People who make themselves appear threatening rarely do any harm. A: "I'm really scared to tell Mr. White that I haven't finished my project. You know how he yells." B: "Yeah, but a barking dog seldom bites. He'll get over it."
See also: bark, bite, dog, seldom

barking dogs seldom bite

proverb People who make themselves appear threatening rarely do any harm. A: "I'm really scared to tell Mr. White that I haven't finished my project. You know how he yells." B: "Yeah, but barking dogs seldom bite. He'll get over it."
See also: bark, bite, dog, seldom

desert and reward seldom keep company

proverb One will often not receive an anticipated reward. Don't get too hopeful that the teacher will recognize your hard work because desert and reward seldom keep company.
See also: and, company, desert, keep, reward, seldom

good and quickly seldom meet

proverb Things that are done well are often done slowly and carefully. There's no way you've done a good job if you're finished with your book report already. After all, good and quickly seldom meet.
See also: and, good, meet, quickly, seldom

things are seldom as they seem

Situations are often very different from the way that they appear at first glance. Social media paints this rosy picture that everyone else's lives are perfect, but things are seldom as they seem. I don't see any reason for this merger to be especially difficult. Things are seldom as they seem, though, so I suggest we still proceed with as much prudence and care as possible.
See also: seem, seldom, thing

things are seldom what they seem

Situations are often very different from the way that they appear at first glance. Social media paints this rosy picture that everyone else's lives are perfect, but things are seldom what they seem. I don't see any reason for this merger to be especially difficult. Things are seldom what they seem, though, so I suggest we still proceed with as much prudence and care as possible.
See also: seem, seldom, thing, what
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Desert and reward seldom keep company.

Prov. If you deserve a reward, you are not necessarily going to get it. Jill: I worked so hard on that project, and Fred is taking all the credit for it. Jane: You know how it goes; desert and reward seldom keep company.
See also: and, company, desert, keep, reward, seldom

Things are seldom what they seem.

Prov. Things often appear different from what they really are. Emily seems to be a fine young lady, but be careful. Things are seldom what they seem. To judge from his elegant clothing and luxurious car, William was a wealthy man. But things are seldom what they seem; in fact, he was in desperate need of money.
See also: seem, seldom, Thing, what
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • teach a man to fish
  • it takes a village
  • village
  • best-laid plans go astray, the
  • the best-laid plans
  • the best-laid plans go astray
  • the best-laid plans of mice and men
  • for want of a nail
  • For want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse ...
  • be what you appear to be
References in classic literature
>From this premeditated scheme of conquest we ought, in justice, however, to except Maria herself, who, from constitutional gayety and thoughtlessness, seldom planned for the morrow; and who, perhaps, from her association with Charlotte, had acquired a degree of disinterestedness that certainly belonged to no other member of her family.
As the thoughts of those who are in misery seldom slumber, and the invention is never more lively than when it is stimulated by hope, however feeble and remote, he had even imagined that the parental feelings of Munro were to be made instrumental in seducing him from his duty to the king.
He then signed to Heyward to assist the sisters into the saddles, for he seldom deigned to use the English tongue, unless urged by some motive of more than usual moment.
It seldom happens in the negotiation of treaties, of whatever nature, but that perfect SECRECY and immediate DESPATCH are sometimes requisite.
They who have turned their attention to the affairs of men, must have perceived that there are tides in them; tides very irregular in their duration, strength, and direction, and seldom found to run twice exactly in the same manner or measure.
"They seldom bring themselves, I reckon; though this has the look of an old country, to my eye it seems not to be overly peopled."
Whatever may be the other qualities of a border man, he is seldom deficient in the virtue of hospitality.
"Though I have spent some years, in this quarter, I can hardly be called a settler, seeing that I have no regular abode, and seldom pass more than a month, at a time, on the same range."
Even the savage animals travel miles on miles to seek their dens; and yet the wind seldom blows from the east, but I conceit the sound of axes, and the crash of falling trees, are in my ears."
As the old man spoke with the seriousness and dignity that age seldom fails to communicate even to less striking sentiments, his auditors were deeply attentive, and as silent as the grave.
I could not comprehend, therefore, why they so seldom sought it in their waters, for it was only at stated times that the fishing parties were formed, and these occasions were always looked forward to with no small degree of interest.
d'Epinay and his family; besides, he had no relations nearer than an uncle and aunt, his mother having died at his birth, and his father having been assassinated in 1815, that is to say, when he was but two years old; it naturally followed that the child was permitted to choose his own pursuits, and he has, therefore, seldom acknowledged any other authority but that of his own will."
But as a teacher, I have seldom found any practical outcome in students' lives.
Seeyouatmidnight takes on five rivals, including his stablemate Seldom Inn, and Thomson said: "He's going really well.