the Bible Belt

the Bible Belt

A region in the United States noted for widespread belief in Christian fundamentalism, typically the Midwest and South. You can expect most politicians to attempt to court voters in the Bible Belt, but, as usual, they are careful about what they say there.
See also: belt, Bible
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Bible belt

An area noted for religious fundamentalism; specifically, parts of the American South and Midwest. For example, You wouldn't dare try to sell a sex manual in the Bible belt. This term alludes to the prevalence of evangelical revivals, strict morals, belief in the literal truth of the Bible, and similar traits. [c. 1920]
See also: belt, Bible
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • Bible belt
  • as American as mom and apple pie
  • as American as motherhood and apple pie
  • motherhood
  • motherhood and apple pie
  • mom and apple pie
  • a coon's age
  • be of the opinion that
  • be of the opinion that...
  • a person after (one's) own
References in periodicals archive
He is a past board member of the American Humanist Association, founder of the Secular Coalition for America and the Secular Humanists of the Lowcountry in Charleston, South Carolina, a professor emeritus of mathematics, and the author of a previous book, Candidate Without a Prayer; An Autobiography of a Jewish Atheist in the Bible Belt. Readers of this magazine are likely also aware that Silverman was given the AHAs Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2017 annual conference.
Lipstick: I dated a girl from the Bible Belt once and she was an ocean of emotion--one night she'd scream "Hallelujah" in bed, the next she'd shut down because she feared Jesus and her dead relatives in heaven could see us doing it.
Filmmakers are aware that films need to work across the States - including the Bible Belt.
My home state of Tennessee is, after all, in the heart of the Bible Belt, and almost every adult bookstore has an impressive cross in front of it, erected by some local congregation who would prefer such business was done elsewhere, if at all.
Though the ethos of Peoples Temple mirrored in many ways the fundamentalist Protestant "holy rollers" common throughout the Bible Belt in the last century--even sharing some of the same hymns and traditions such as the laying on of hands that more sophisticated white groups had long since done away with--the newly unearthed videotapes used in the film provide a vibrant documentation of how the spirit moves when a congregation uses its hands rather than sits on them.
Try to get a fair divorce trial in the Bible Belt, for example.
Growing up in the rural South in the heart of redneck territory and the Bible Belt, Billy Joe had earlier had a single same-sex sexual encounter by which he was so traumatized, his self-worth so shattered, that he concluded he couldn't face another day.
(Dennett joins other pundits in wryly reporting that the Bible Belt leads the nation in divorce and abortion.) Upon closer inspection, it turns out that many people who claim they believe in God would be better described as believing in belief, since the nature of their God is ineffable and incomprehensible.!
"But it also brings home just how important it is to do this work in the South, in the buckle of the Bible Belt. I feel like I was born to do this work."
Once in the South, even though she was a cloistered nun, Angelica began using the media to evangelize the Bible Belt, first with speeches and mini-books, later with vinyl records and cassettes.
A melting pot for both northerners and southerners, it represents the population in the study, is part of the Bible belt, and has a strong Baptist heritage.
But fans of the trilogy have condemned the planned removal of anti-religious sentiment as a "blatant cop-out to the Bible Belt of America".
I think it surprises many people in the pew and in the Bible Belt that one can be "Christian" and still vote something other than Republican.
The truth is that the fervent Protestantism and the penchant for violence of the Bible Belt South are not responses to the American frontier environment.
Seeing the Bible Belt as the most religious would seem to be accurate, but for the test of the information, I sincerely have my doubts as to its accuracy.