These are the
solitary wasp subfamily Eumeninae (potter wasps), the largest subfamily in the Vespidae, which includes more than 3,500 described species (Pickett and Carpenter, 2010), and the three social wasp subfamilies, that is, Stenogastrinae, Polistinae, and Vespinae.
An annotated distributional checklist of solitary wasps of the subfamily Eumeninae (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of Vietnam
solitary wasp builds mud nests using detritus and even feces.
An observation of the parasitoid Melittobia australica Girault (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and its host, the solitary wasp Sceliphron Asiaticum (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
Key Words:
Solitary wasps, Sphecidae, Crabronidae, Tamaulipas.
Sphecidae y Crabronidae (Hymenoptera) de algunos municipios del centro y sur de Tamaulipas, Mexico
We collected data on the life history and sex ratio of the mass-provisioning
solitary wasp T.
Sex ratio and parental investment in Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) agamemnon Richards (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae)/ Razao sexual e investimento parental em Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) agamemnon Richards (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae)
Sex ratios and life-history patterns of
solitary wasp, Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) politum (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae).
Prey selection in the trap-nesting wasp Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) opacum Brethes (Hymenprtera; Crabronidae)/Selecao de presas por vespa que nidifica em ninhos-armadilha Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) opacum Brethes (Hymenprtera; Crabronidae)
So the next time you get harassed by those angry
solitary wasps remember that they are, in fact, jobless, homeless and about to die.
The wasps that sneaked in my photos were part of a large group called the
solitary wasps. They diverted my attention enough to inspire my August column.
What's up with wasps? Blaine: Wasps play very crucial role in ecosystem
Female bees provision their nests with a nectar-pollen mixture, whereas
solitary wasps may collect a variety of prey to provision their nests, including spiders (Araneae) or caterpillars (Lepidoptera) (Krombein, 1967).
The phenology and spatial distribution of cavity-nesting hymenoptera and their parasitoids in a California Oak-Chaparral landscape mosaic
However, this article is concerned not with
solitary wasps, but colonial wasps, particularly members of two genera: Polistes (paper wasps) and Dolichovespula (hornets).
Unlikely allies: more than just pollinators, wasps and hornets help keep the undesirable insects in check
The family Mutillidae comprises a diverse group of
solitary wasps, with over 4000 described species (Lelej, 2005).
An uncommon feeding habit: mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera, mutillidae) visiting extrafloral nectaries in malpighiaceae
"The next most important are
solitary wasps,'' he said.
Bees aren't the only pollinators you can attract
Rightly or wrongly, we often view loners as more of a threat, so it may come as a surprise to learn that of the two types of wasps -
solitary wasps and sociable wasps - the latter are the ones causing all the aggro.
I really cannot bee doing with wasps
Their entry holes in bare ground are difficult to spot and closely resemble those made by ants and
solitary wasps.
Buzz-worthy plants: attract native bees to your organic garden
O'Neill KM (2001)
Solitary Wasps: Behaviour and Natural History.
Sleeping aggregations of bees in relation to the risk of fire at their roosting sites in a forested, suburban landscape in eastern Australia