sit at

sit at (something)

1. Literally, to be seated at some particular location or thing. She sat at the edge of the hospital bed, praying for her husband to recover. But Mom, I'm nearly 13—I don't want to sit at the kids' table anymore!
2. To be parked, anchored, or constructed at some particular place. The car sat at the stadium for nearly a week before it was finally towed away. The new bank building sits at the very center of the city. The large warship sat at the port, casting an ominous shadow over the small seaside town.
3. To occupy some position, role, or status. Right now the popular singer is sitting at the top of the billboards with his new hit single. The extremely successful businesswoman was chosen to sit at the head of the Chamber of Commerce.
See also: sit
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

sit at something

to be seated in front of something, such as a table. He sat at the table, taking his tea. Please sit at your desk and finish your work before taking a break.
See also: sit
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • sit at (something)
  • literally
  • arise
  • arise from
  • arose
  • get oneself up
  • scooch over
  • (please) don't get up
  • don't get up
  • take a seat
References in classic literature
Poyser, as is th' oldest man i' the room, should sit at top o' the table.
Poyser, "suppose we say the man wi' the foulest land shall sit at top; then whoever gets th' honour, there'll be no envying on him."
"Why, the broadest man," said Bartle; "and then he won't take up other folks' room; and the next broadest must sit at bottom."