
Related to seal: Navy SEAL

seal up

To close something and bind the seals so it does not reopen. A noun or pronoun can be used between "seal" and "up." They're going to seal up the door leading into the cellar. Would you please seal this box up for me so I can get it in the mail?
See also: seal, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

seal something (up) (with something)

to fasten something closed with something. Please seal this box up with twine. Would you seal up this box with tape?
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
  • (all) sealed up
  • (one's) fate is sealed
  • (one's) lips are sealed
  • a seal of approval
  • break the seal
  • fate is sealed
  • keep (one's) lips sealed
  • lips are sealed
  • lips are sealed, his/my
  • lips are sealed, one's
  • my lips are sealed
  • put (one's) seal on (something)
  • put (one's) seal to (something)
  • put the seal on
  • put the seal on (something)
  • S.W.A.K.
  • seal
  • seal (one's) fate
  • seal (someone or something) off from (someone or something)
  • seal a bargain
  • seal fate
  • seal of approval
  • seal off
  • seal off from
  • seal one's fate
  • seal someone's fate
  • seal the bargain
  • seal the deal
  • seal up
  • sealed
  • sealed up
  • sealed with a kiss
  • set (one's) seal to (something)
  • set one's seal on
  • set the seal on (something)
  • set the seal on something
  • set your seal to
  • signed and sealed
  • signed, sealed and delivered
  • signed, sealed, and delivered
  • someone's lips are sealed
  • under seal
  • your lips are sealed
References in classic literature
Patalamon rattled a pair of seal's shoulder bones in front of a herd of holluschickie and they stopped dead, puffing and blowing.
"The white seal is coming after us," cried Patalamon.
He turned and galloped (a seal can gallop very swiftly for a short time) back to the sea; his little new mustache bristling with horror.
"What you must do," said old Sea Catch, after he had heard his son's adventures, "is to grow up and be a big seal like your father, and have a nursery on the beach, and then they will leave you alone.
Yet as he pulled out against the gale he could see that even there had once been a seal nursery.
They left five-and-twenty seal carcasses buried in the ice of the beach, all ready for use, and hurried back to their people.
The storm blew, the ice broke, and the seal swam in behind the fish that were frightened by the storm.
He had been out since early dawn at the seal-holes, eight miles away, and had come home with three big seal. Half-way down the long, low snow passage or tunnel that led to the inner door of the house you could hear snappings and yelpings, as the dogs of his sleigh-team, released from the day's work, scuffled for warm places.
In the winter Kadlu would follow the seal to the edge of this land-ice, and spear them as they came up to breathe at their blow-holes.
Then he would crawl forward inch by inch, and wait till the seal came up to breathe.
Seal, putting both her elbows on the table, and propping her chin on her hands, as Mary began to pour out tea.
Seal looked for a moment as though she could hardly believe her ears, and made a deprecating "tut-tut-tut" in her throat, looking alternately at Katharine and Mary, and shaking her head as she did so.
Seal fed on a bag of biscuits under the trees, whatever the weather might be, rather, Katharine thought, as though Mrs.
Seal, with the self-conscious guilt of a child owning some fault to its elders.
Indeed, there were too many seals on shore, and we ought not to lay such temptation in this unreflecting fisherman's way.