Of course, pitting a Bible study circle against all the resources of higher learning looks like an absurdly unfair competition, but it is what fundamentalists have taken on by insisting that the Bible is infallible and tells all we need to know--and worse, that everything outside their diminished understanding of
scripture is damnable.
A fundamentally wrong direction
A rough and ready classification of some different approaches to interfacing
Scripture and psychological science can be offered which captures a broad range of existing options and positions.
Scripture and psychological science: integrative challenges & callings
Beginning with baptism, an unusual place to start a conversation about
scripture, Rev.
Sola Scriptura: scripture forms and shapes lives
In what follows, I focus on the basic "fundamental commitments" (to use Steve Moyise's term (7)) about
Scripture that inform Aquinas's approach to Paul's use of the Old Testament, most of which revolves around his theology of participation.
Aquinas on Paul's use of the Old Testament: the implications of participation
A lite version of the app is now available for free in the Apple App Store, while current owners of the full version,
Scripture Typer Pro, will automatically be upgraded to the new
Scripture Typer Pro at no additional cost.
Scripture Typer updates Bible memory app for iPhone & iPad
More valuable, though, are the arguments of Sparks about the nature of
Scripture, interpretation, and how the community plays a central role in interpretation.
Sacred Word, Broken Word: Biblical Authority and the Dark Side of Scripture
Prior to the age of dialogue and intra-Christian as well as wider (interreligious) ecumenism, things were simpler in regard to what each community called its holy
scriptures. Jews had their name for their books (miqra--that which is read), Christians, who disagreed among themselves as to exactly which books actually constitute canonical
scriptures, had their name(s) for the canonic collection.
What is in a name?
What is often missed, however, is that Calvin's doctrine of
Scripture is not first of all a doctrine of the text or of the text's origins, but of reading it.
Calvin's theory of reading
A lot of
Scripture is analyzed to show rules for understanding what the Bible is really stating.
Dr. Charles F. Hayes Releases New Book Bring University Students to Christ: Science and Scripture
Rajan Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, said that changing ancient Sanskrit
scriptures to fit the commercial machine were likely to hurt the Hindu sentiments.
Hindus want comics to accurately portray scriptural heroes and tales
Pastoral counselors that subscribe to
Scripture as the sole source of knowledge for understanding human behavior often advocate that addressing sin nature and the subsequent externalizing behaviors is not only necessary but is solely sufficient in guiding clients to a state of healthy mindedness (Adams, 1973; Sanford, 1947).
Epistemological approaches to inner healing and integration
But have I already depoeticized the appeal?] The call for a possible response, from within an existential and presumably social context, marks
scripture as word of God, and God as the harbor of the event that actualizes the possible.
The Weakness of God: A Theology of the Event
The last Lambeth Conference, in 1998, saw vitriolic debate on the issue of homosexuality and the passage of a resolution that declared homosexuality "incompatible with
Scripture," but also committed the church to listen to the experiences of gay people.
Conference manager gives bishops a preview of 2008 Lambeth meeting
Based on
Scripture and the writings of the early Fathers of the Church, we find several Councils defining the doctrine of Purgatory--for instance, the Council of Lyons in 1274; the Council of Florence in 1439; the Council of Trent with a "Decree on Purgatory" in 1563.
What to think of purgatory?
It came gradually over decades of studying the book and finding one thing for certain:
Scripture is like Newton's third law of motion--for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The Bible and Newton's third law of motion