
scribble away (at something)

To work hard and hastily writing something down, especially by hand. The students were all scribbling away so intensely that they didn't even notice their teacher leave the room. I could sit in a coffee shop all day scribbling away at my novel, but they don't like it when I loiter there for more than a few hours at a time.
See also: away, scribble

scribble down

To write something hastily by hand. He quickly scribbled down a phone number on a slip of paper and pushed it across the desk to me. The students were all scribbling down their notes so intensely that they didn't even notice their teacher leave the room.
See also: down, scribble
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

scribble away (at something)

to write hard and fast at some task. He scribbled away at his notes as the lecturer droned on. Jane sat in the library scribbling away.
See also: away, scribble

scribble something down

to write something down fast and not too neatly. He scribbled the figure down and raced for the telephone. Liz scribbled down the telephone number.
See also: down, scribble
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

scribble down

To write something quickly without paying attention to readability or style: She grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down the address that I told her. He scribbled a number down on his notepad.
See also: down, scribble
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • scribble away
  • scribble away (at something)
  • scribble down
  • chuck (something) in (to something)
  • chuck in
  • chuck into
  • chuck (something) into (something)
  • skip off
  • not think twice about (something)
  • gulp down
References in periodicals archive
This shows that scribble confidence can help resist inaccurate scribbles.
The app features unique hand-drawn graphics of the hero battling with an army of sinister scribbles and deadly doodles on 50 levels.
Look carefully at the "scribble stage" for authentic assessment of where each student is at a particular time.
Scribble Media's flagship publication 'postnoon' is launched today and it aims to be among the most influential media outlets in South India, engaging opinion leaders from Hyderabad to Chennai, Vizag to Coimbatore.
The students enjoy this exercise and they create an "abstraction." We usually complete more than one of these scribble abstractions because the students are very enthusiastic.
M2 EQUITYBITES-December 14, 2012-Nickelodeon unveils Scribble Hero game app(C)2012 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
Artists usually create elaborate paintings or scribble on walls using spray paint.
Scribble postcards home with this stylised dragon pen pounds 2.25 14.
HUNDREDS of city schoolchildren are being encouraged to scribble aimlessly with the full permission of their teachers.
(I have one of those nifty laptops where you can scribble or draw or write on the screen; I use it extensively.) Fig a, the Genzyme Center in Cambridge, MA, USA; fig b, Norddeutsche Landesbank in Hanover; fig c, the Universe Paradise, a theme park originally for Las Vegas.
Saint-George also mentored Alexandre Dumas's lather in fencing, met with Toussaint-Louverture and caused the future American President John Adams to scribble in his diary that Saint-George was '<the most accomplished man in Europe in riding, running, shooting, fencing, dancing, musick."
A rounded doodle was associated with a soft-sounding name; a pointy scribble got the hard consonants.
Zeltzman and Colburn scribble a witty laundry list of gestures and opposing movement textures in Finest Futility/Almost Pristine, from John Travolta's shuffle to the tics of someone on Thorazine.