screw up courage
Related to screw up courage: screw courage to the sticking place
screw up (one's) courage
To emotionally prepare oneself to do a frightening or overwhelming task. I'm really nervous about asking Sarah out on a date, but I just need to screw up my courage and go through with it.
See also: courage, screw, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
screw up one's courage
Fig. to build up one's courage. I guess I have to screw up my courage and go to the dentist. I spent all morning screwing up my courage to take my driver's test.
See also: courage, screw, up
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
pluck/screw/summon up (your/the) ˈcourage (to do something)
force yourself to be brave enough to do something: I had liked her for a long time, and eventually I plucked up the courage to ask her out. I finally screwed up my courage and went to the dentist.See also: courage, pluck, screw, summon, up
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- for (one's) (own) sake
- for sake
- put (oneself) on the line
- put yourself on the line
- wash (one's) hands of (someone or something)
- wash hands of
- wash one's hands of
- wash your hands of
- wash your hands of somebody/something
- wash your hands of something/someone