sing off the same hymn sheet

sing off the same hymn sheet

To have the same understanding of something as someone else; to say the same things about something as other people, especially in public. Primarily heard in UK. I think we should have a meeting with everyone who's involved in the project. That way, we'll all be singing off the same hymn sheet before we begin. Make sure everyone on the campaign is singing off the same hymn sheet before we release any kind of statement to the press.
See also: hymn, off, same, sheet, sing
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a ghost at the feast
  • (someone or something) promises well
  • a fast talker
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • (have) got something going (with someone)
  • a horse of another
  • a horse of another color
  • a horse of another colour
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
References in periodicals archive
People in Renfrewshire suffering from lung disease can make friends, have fun and literally sing off the same hymn sheet at a new singing group.
"I'm sure we pretty much sing off the same hymn sheet, otherwise I don't think he would have been appointed.
"I've just tried to mould a team and create an environment where we all sing off the same hymn sheet. I'm trying to create an environment where they all know the type of player I like and the type of player I don't like.
"You have to sing off the same hymn sheet, as long as you stick together and believe what you are doing is right you will get out of it.
IT'S A brave soul who brings together the forces of several choral societies in the hope that they will all, to use an awful modern cliche, sing off the same hymn sheet.
"We might have spats over various issues now and then but in general we sing off the same hymn sheet.