I, however, know that those who
scream loudest and longest against middle-class radicals like Corbyn are of exactly the same ilk, and income, as the plotters and demonstrators against the Maduro regime in Venezuela.
EU vote followed guiding principle of democracy; Get in touch - tell us what you think Email: letters@liverpoolecho.co.uk Phone: 0151 227 2000 Twitter: @LIVECHONEWS Facebook: facebook.com/theliverpoolecho Post: Liverpool ECHO, PO Box 48, Old Hall Street, Liverpool L69 3EB
(By the way isn't it funny how the people who raged for years over the need for public services to be run like private ones, now
scream loudest when they are?) And we all hold grudges.
Stop whingeing and vote for our future
These are the result of male-dominated societies--that's why they
scream loudest about male homosexuality.
Gay in the Middle East
Portable barricades, or "body bunkers,"
scream loudest for a laser.
Shooting Around THE BARRICADE
What his murder has shown us is that those who
scream loudest about racism prefer to ignore that because to them it is only different colour skins which matter.
Frank and Fearless: Victims divided by our warped race industry; Two lives brutally ended..two very different reactions
So they get blitzed, start a ruck, and
scream loudest, all to show their peers how hard and distinguished they are.
BRIAN READE: Yobs are a symptom of England's disease