Smooth test 4.5/5
Sniff test 3/5 PROS The spray is great for freshening up clothes during the day or if you're going out later in the evening.
Can magic spray save you hours of laundry? We put clothes 'refresher' to test
The scratch - and -
sniff test asks subjects to identify 40 odors and ranks olfaction as a normal or mildly, moderately, or severely impaired.
Smell test reflects brain pathologies, risk of Alzheimer's
"Well, I think Barton has aspirations to manage himself and I suspect there will be a challenge for him when he is looking to enforce discipline and culture in his players because I don't think he passed the
sniff test on that himself.
Barton a disgrace to blast Unsworth
"You may want to do the classic
sniff test to see if it's past its best".
'Best before' date? I have food older than my son... aged 25!
Her CXR showed right hemidiaphragm elevation that was confirmed with a
sniff test (Figure 1).
Symptomatic Patent Foramen Ovale with Hemidiaphragm Paralysis
Does the kennel pass the
sniff test? All kennels have a distinct odor, and that odor is strongly dog-like.
Boarding dogs: when leaving pup behind, look for simple and clean facilities
The district court invalidated short-term annuities based on what it called a "
sniff test." To the district court, the short-term annuity transaction did not smell right and therefore should not be allowed.
Annuities in Medicaid planning: what you need to know: recent regulatory measures and court cases have changed the landscape for the use of short-term annuities in Medicaid planning
But the diet the Democrat devised earlier this month via federal legislation doesn't pass the refuse industry's
sniff test.
Solid waste industry seeks to squash TRASH Act in congress
Whether you are a TV producer or Michael from Hoboken, N.J., many consumers will give you the same
sniff test. "Original content creators everywhere can now enjoy an increasingly even playing field in getting their content out there," says Chun, who cites YouTube stars such as Michelle Phan and PewDewPie as evidence of this phenomenon.
More consumers are ditching cable: here's how video content providers can benefit
(3) Irus Braverman, Passing the
Sniff Test: Police Dogs as Surveillance Technology, 61 BUFF.
To sniff or not to sniff: making sense of past and recent state and federal decisions in connection with drug-detection dogs - where do we go from here?
Morgan has beautiful prose, tough reporting chops and a great nose for what doesn't pass the
sniff test. This will be a great new chapter for her (and us).
T-Squared: Walters, Collier Are Newest Trib Reporters
The sensor picked up the smell of decay from room-temperature meats, though refrigerated meat passed the
sniff test even after four days.
Sensor can get a whiff of rotten meat
Will highly successful not-for-profit health care businesses meet the
sniff test? Will there be pushback when executive compensation is highlighted and "excess revenue over expenses" continues to increase because bad debt created by uncompensated care is eliminated?
Restore the healing mission to health care
Sniff test. A musty, moldy smell in the interior or trunk could indicate water damage.
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"As you're evaluating what you want to do, make sure it passes the
sniff test of common sense.
Making change: why a corporate retreat, by itself, won't fix a broken team