snide comment

snide comment

A remark or comment that is particularly mocking, scornful, or derogatory. Savita was ecstatic over her acceptance to law school, but John's snide comment about her ability to succeed really undermined her confidence. Sarah always sits at the back of these team meetings making snide comments about whatever the boss is saying.
See also: comment, snide
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • snide
  • snide remark
  • cutting remark
  • comment about
  • comment about (someone or something)
  • comment (up)on (someone or something)
  • lurk
  • lurker
  • no more than I have to
  • next question
References in periodicals archive
I wouldn't say I know the exact amount she owes, but I would let them know that I knew they'd been giving her money - and I'd make a snide comment about all the nights out she's having, or something similar.
I wouldn't say I know the exact amount she owes but I would let them know that I knew they'd been giving her money - and I'd make a snide comment about all the nights out she's having, or something similar.
For all his rhetoric and name-calling (there always seems to be a snide comment about "Silverspoon Cameron" and Councils' Minister "Eric-in-a-Pickles") Joe has now officially declared himself as a NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard), castigating the "Townies" for Y clogging up "his" roads in Formby to see red squirrels in one of their few remaining habitats.
I am sure that we can all agree that life in Bahrain is unique and that is neither a judgement, a critique nor a snide comment. It is mere fact.
MWO then published an e-mail from one of the letter writers, claiming Schmidt had forwarded his letter, with a snide comment, to his immediate supervisor and the president of the college that employs him.
Your snide comment about the CNN Tailwind expose in E&P's "Viewpoint" ("Gannett's ethics code: here's how to back it up," June 26, p.
When Mel refuses, Maddie makes a snide comment about Hunter, which sets Mel's blood boiling.
Tangsiri threw in a snide comment that foreign naval personnel are essentially mercenaries, coming to the Persian Gulf for "the salaries they receive," but the Iranian navy is "defending our home and territories here." FARS also recalled a comment Tangsiri made in July about teaching the Americans, and other foreign navies, a lesson by humiliating the captured U.S.
He doesn't waste any chance to cast a snide comment on rival housemates.
Archie (Gilly Gilchrist, above) is not giving up on his plan to avoid going to jail but when dodgy lawyer Charlie Houston (Stuart Bowman) tries to exploit his situation, Archie is left in the lurch - until a snide comment by Gerry (John Paul McGilvray) gives him an idea.
Questioned by defence counsel Dominic D'Souza at Isleworth Crown Court, he said he asked the two alleged female victims, an 18-year-old and a 32-year-old singer, to leave his apartment after a snide comment by the latter.
We will get: Clare Balding; a race ; CB talking to family and friends; a race; CB talking to jockeys; a race; CB talking to the horses; a race, with maybe a snide comment about what the ladies are wearing.
You'll find it in the snide comment as easily as in the self-aggrandisement of a world leader.
Barry returns to school to face his fellow teachers and students and struggles to cope with all the pressure but when he attacks a student after he makes a snide comment about Sorcha Barry is hauled into the principals office and told to chill out.
Eurovision has always been the butt of the snide comment from some of the self-styled 'smart' columnists whose names are likely to be forgotten long before some of the songs that have, in fact, made it.