

slang A nose. Originally from Yiddish. I think I broke my schnozz when I fell off my bike. Wow, would you look at the size of that guy's schnozz?


slang A nose, especially on that is larger than average. Originally derived from Yiddish. Wow, would you look at the size of that guy's schnozzola? I know she used to get bullied in school for her schnozzola, so I'm not terribly surprised she decided to have some work done on it.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and schnozzle and schnozzola and shnozz (ʃnɑz and ʃnɑzlæ and ʃnɑˈzolə and ʃnɑz)
n. the nose. (From German Schnauze via Yiddish.) Look at the schnozz on that guy!


See schnozz
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • schnozzle
  • schnozz
  • shnozz
  • shnoz
  • shicker
  • shikker
  • schicker
  • schickered
  • kvetch
  • quetch
References in periodicals archive
ruined liver and the great, broken-veined schnozzola, says,
Comedian Jimmy "Schnozzola" Durante's snout made him the butt of many of his jokes but he clearly liked it.
Comedian Jimmy Durante took out a policy for $50,000 in recognition of the role of his "schnozzola" in promoting his image.
Whether as "honker," "beak," "proboscis," "snout," "snorkel," "conk," "schnoze" (sometimes "shnoze") or "schnozzola," the nose is the feature of the face that most encourages laughter.
"The Great Schnozzola' (Crew Neck Productions) is a little heavy on nose jokes and chores girls, but Jimmy's schtick with Donald O'Connor, Sinatra and Liberace transcends space and time.
It was followed by Timberline (1933), the account of two Denver editors; Good-Night, Sweet Prince (1943), a biography of John Barrymore and Fowler's best book; Beau James (1949), which describes the life and times of Jimmy Walker, once mayor of New York; Schnozzola: The Story of Jimmy Durante (1951); and Minutes of the Last Meeting (1954), sketches of celebrated theater people woven around a biography of Sadakichi Hartmann.