
Related to schnozz: schnozzle


slang A nose. Originally from Yiddish. I think I broke my schnozz when I fell off my bike. Wow, would you look at the size of that guy's schnozz?
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and schnozzle and schnozzola and shnozz (ʃnɑz and ʃnɑzlæ and ʃnɑˈzolə and ʃnɑz)
n. the nose. (From German Schnauze via Yiddish.) Look at the schnozz on that guy!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • shnozz
  • schnozzle
  • schnozzola
  • shnoz
  • schmaltzy
  • shmaltzy
  • chotchke
  • schmoose
  • schmooze
  • shmooze
References in periodicals archive
Sometimes a male will accidentally bite his own schnozz. Yowch!
In a sad attempt to deflect the cruel anti-Semitic jibes he tried to restructure what he saw as his big schnozz with sticky tape.
10 second baseman Bobby Doerr and catcher Ernie "Schnozz" Lombardi were also voted into the Hall of Fame.
Why not try to do a cartoon that will count-a seething portrait of that unknown, but important, tax commissioner rather than another Dukakis with a big schnozz or Bush with a dopey grin?
Droopys Schnozz tried to battle on after first-bend crowding, but unluckily proved a head away in third.
Employing neither Story A nor Story B, he issues a long-winded disquisition about the impossibility of knowing anything at all: Ya can't know the reality of what happened, or what 'would've' happened if you hadden a stuck in your goddamn schnozz. So there 'is' no 'what happened.' Not in any sense that we can grasp with our puny minds.
Santa does give him the opportunity to lead the sleigh team during a blizzard, but Rudolph is lit up more brightly than his famous schnozz. He takes Santa on a wild trans-global ride, bypassing the homes of sleeping children in search of an all-night package store.
As we revealed, the society babe, 35, had her schnozz rebuilt last month after her former cocaine abuse took its toll.
Not even his best mate Uri Geller could bend that schnozz back into shape
As for poor Lombardi, nicknamed "Schnozz" for his impressive nose, he was mercilessly ridiculed by the media for his "swoon," as it was termed.
Near the Proust page is a drawing of a face in profile and shadow silhouette depicting how someone looks and how he feels others see him--the difference being a protruding cartoonish schnozz. This image and the Magic Lantern leaf lend the ring of prominent noses religio-racial undertones, the way Proust's own aristocratic swirl is refracted by World War I and the Dreyfus affair.
In North America, guide head (schnozz) technology developed during the early 1990s.
TOOLMAKER RAMBO, Droopys Schnozz and Kooga Klammer are all short-priced favourites with Coral for their Romford Puppy Cup semi-finals over 400m at the Essex track tomorrow.
And in November 1991 an old letter from Marge brought Ringo Starr (14) to town - prompting Bart to ask: "Who's the mop-top with the big schnozz?"