Now, in some contexts, the ordinary
schlub may be not so schlubby.
Although the
Schlub and Martsolf (1999) study showed low-grade nonhomophobia in 50 percent of subjects (n = 43), 93 percent of participants (n = 81) had orthodox Christian beliefs.
Nursing students' attitudes toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons: an integrative review
The hero is a friendless
schlub who hires Hart's professional best man to make him look popular at his wedding, paying extra to find him seven groomsmen.
Stop the Carry On
From all apparent evidence, he was a decent
schlub trying to make things work in a system engineered to make his life miserable and recast his best efforts as criminal behavior.
To collect and serve: the dangers of turning police officers into revenue generators
Surely Michael hadn't been, you know, simply pretending to be a hopeless
schlub in order to lull his fellow competitors into a false sense of security?
Sheen outfoxes half-baked Jamil; Bevan on the box WITH NATHAN BEVAN
I look up, nine-foot ceilings, look down, tongue-and-groove white oak I laid myself, look around, a concatenation of odds and ends--a metal antelope from Africa, a 1940s toy scarecrow from Germany, a block of wood fashioned into a smiling
schlub of a milkman I call Charlie, my latest Doppelganger.
The Room in Which I Write
19 demonstrates Brahms's literary education and sensibility, and shows that this volume of lieder is more than an unrelated combining of individual songs." See Mahlert, 73-74: "DaB die Holty-Vertonungen am Anfang und der Marike-Gesang am
SchluB des Liederliefts stein, hat dither em n doppelten Sinn: Zuni einen 'beginnt' die Liebe, auf die sich das Erinnern des Schltifigesangs beziehen 15.14, im Erianungslied; nun andern 'wurzele Morike's (zeitgenossisi Poesie in der 5Iteren Holtys, setzt diese also vtirous.
Recycling Uhland: Brahms and the Wanderlieder
In other words, while America's clod vice-president staggers around, pimping limply that only Obama had the guts to take the toughest decision anyone's ever had to take, the poor
schlub who actually did have the guts, who actually took the tough decision in a part of the world where taking tough decisions can get you killed, languishes in a cell because Washington would not lift a finger to help him.
An act of war, not a movie protest: so, on a highly symbolic date, mobs storm American diplomatic facilities and drag the corpse of a U.S. ambassador through the streets
30), answers that by broadcasting a week in the life of an average
schlub, after giving him one million dollars.
Season preview 2011-12: the year's top 10 most-produced plays
In Mark Crilley's newest graphic novel, Brody's Ghost, Brody is a down-and-out young man living in a beat-up cityscape; he's an unkempt, out-of-shape, messy
schlub of a guy slipping even further down due to a break-up with his girlfriend.
You're not Princess Grace; you're some
schlub from Cleveland.
Plainly disgusted
He plays everything from a leading man to a supreme
schlub, and he has the ability to keep audiences rooting for him, no matter how much of a jerk he plays." "I don't think anyone feels threatened by me in any way," Rudd says.
Paul Rudd's offbeat Dinner date
Among men, the Tough Guy, the Consummate Gentleman, the Upstanding Fellow, the Outsider, the
Schlub, the Permanent Child, the Destroyed Adolescent, the Man Who Consumes Himself to Death have all been constantly reinvented.
The Glittering Skull: Celebrity Culture as World Religion
I chose Skidmore College because I wanted to major in something other than metalsmithing, but I still wanted to continue to make jewelry, and there aren't many colleges out there that let any old
schlub take such a specified art class without majoring in it.
Smarts and crafts: Etsy's GC Sarah Feingold spins a childhood hobby into a legal career
Tiber himself may have been a
schlub, but by a weird coincidence he was still in touch with an old high school pal who was now a big-time promoter in need of a large outdoor venue.
Taking woodstock