stand in (someone's) shoes

stand in (someone's) shoes

To see or understand things from someone else's position or perspective; to empathize with someone. I used to resent my dad for the placid way he was with our domineering mother, but once I grew up a bit and stood in his shoes for a while, I came to have a greater appreciation for what he must have been going through. If you encounter a bully, try standing in their shoes—they're probably deeply unhappy and redirect that feeling onto others.
See also: shoe, stand
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • be out of (one's) league
  • be out of somebody's league
  • accompany (one) on a/(one's) journey
  • accompany on a journey
  • (one) puts (one's) pants on one leg at a time
  • be one in the eye for
  • a stranger to (someone or something)
  • be in bad with (someone)
  • big spender
  • be (not) a patch on