
sift (something) from (something else)

1. Literally, to use a sieve or a similar tool or method to remove small things from a larger substance. Be sure to use a sieve to sift any lumps from the sugar before you add it to the mixture. People used to sift flecks of gold from the soil in this river way back in the late 1800s.
2. To isolate and remove something from some larger thing or group after or with careful examination. We have a very rigorous application process to sift unsuitable candidates from those we would like to have on our team.
See also: sift

sift (something) out of (something else)

1. Literally, to use a sieve or a similar tool or method to remove small things from a larger substance. Be sure to use a sieve to sift any lumps out of the sugar before you add it to the mixture. People used to sift flecks of gold out of the soil in this river way back in the late 1800s.
2. To isolate and remove something from some larger thing or group after or by careful examination. We have a very rigorous application process to sift unsuitable candidates out of the pool of applicants. The therapy is intended to help patients sift persistent negative or anxious thoughts out of their daily consciousness.
See also: of, out, sift

sift out

1. Literally, to use a sieve or a similar tool or method to remove small things from a larger substance. A noun or pronoun can be used between "sift" and "out." Be sure to use a sieve to sift out any lumps from the sugar before you add it to the mixture. People used to sift flecks of gold out of the soil in this river back in the late 1800s.
2. To isolate and remove something from some larger thing or group after or with careful examination. A noun or pronoun can be used between "sift" and "out." We have a very rigorous vetting process to sift unsuitable candidates out of the application pool. Our telephone operators are under huge pressure on a daily basis to sift out prank calls from legitimate ones.
See also: out, sift

sift through

1. Literally, to put some substance through a sieve or a similar tool in order to remove smaller particles or things. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "sift" and "through." Be sure to sift the sugar through a sieve to get rid of any lumps before adding it to the mixture.
2. To conduct a careful examination of some substance or group in order to isolate or remove something. We're spending the weekend sifting through all the applicants to determine a short list we can bring in for interviews. Our telephone operators have to sift through a huge volume of calls determining which are pranks and which are legitimate. He's sifting through the sand trying to find his lost ring.
See also: sift, through
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

sift something from something

to remove something from something by sifting. Fran sifted all the impurities from the flour before using it. Timmy sifted all the leaves from the sand in his sandbox.
See also: sift

sift something out of something

 and sift something out
to get rid of something in something else by sifting. Dan sifted the impurities out of the flour. Walter sifted out the foreign matter.
See also: of, out, sift

sift something through something

to make something pass through something such as a sieve. she sifted the powdered sugar through a strainer. Please sift the soil through this screen and watch for bits of pottery.
See also: sift, through

sift through something

to examine all parts of something. The fire inspector sifted through the rubble, looking for clues to the start of the fire. We sifted through all the papers in the old trunk, but we did not find what we were looking for.
See also: sift, through
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

sift out

To separate some class, kind, or size from others with or as if with a sieve: The jeweler sifted out the larger gems. An insurance investigator sifts the honest claims out from the false ones.
See also: out, sift

sift through

To search through some container or collection: I sifted through the laundry pile to find a pair of socks.
See also: sift, through
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • sift (something) from (something else)
  • sift (something) out of (something else)
  • sift from
  • sift out of
  • sift out
  • sift through
  • strain through
  • strain through (something)
  • rake through
  • rake through (something)
References in periodicals archive
In [27], the researchers have extracted the SIFT keypoints from both the color and the depth image and tried to find out the correspondence of SIFT keypoints between those two images.
To the best of our knowledge, we tend to summarize the adopted CEs in SIFT based vein recognition system into three main groups: the first one refers to those which focus only on the image itself and changing the pixel grey value by adopting linear/nonlinear function; on contrast, the second one involves the effective and simple models based on the analysis of histogram information while the third CE model improves the performance of HEs by adding transformations to the input subject of HEs so as to obtain better results with enhancement on useful detailed information.
These states had the highest online fraud rates, according to Sift Science.
Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is a calculation for concentrating stable gimmick depiction (stable feature description) of items call key indicates that are strong changes in scale, introduction, shear, position, and light.
To detect the SIFT feature points, scale-space extrema in the difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) function, .D(x, y, [alpha]) is applied, and it can be computed using Equation (3):
By making use of the SIFT process, it is possible to incorporate two different types of PBAs by combining the SIFT and MIM processes and dosing the gases independently, thus enabling the processing benefits and material characteristics of both blowing agents.
Experiment on extraction and matching of SIFT feature points
Carefully stack the cakes together on a pedestal plate, if you have one, with the raspberry edged cake on top, then dust the raspberries with a little sifted icing sugar.
In recent decades, many institutes and universities proposed a variety of enhanced approaches for image target matching, like the principle component analysis-based SIFT (PCA-SIFT), Harris-SIFT, affine SIFT (ASIFT), shape SIFT (SSIFT), and speeded-up robust features (SURF).
The dominant local feature extractors are the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) [7], and the Speeded-Up Robust Feature (SURF) [8], Due to their robustness and their time efficiency, SIFT and SURF have been deployed in a broad scope of applications such as object recognition [9], texture recognition, and image retrieval [10], [11], Thus, the two feature detectors have been selected for this research, and they have been applied on a standard fingerprint images database.
Sift remaining 1/3 confectioners sugar over this side
Abstract: Paper treats the problem of automatic recognition of robots' manipulator end-effector position using SIFT algorithm.
The program, known as the Summer Institute of Future Teachers (SIFT) has clearly delineated goals.