Shufti Pro[R] is ecstatic to bridge the gap between concerned regulars and a seamless experience.
Shufti Pro[R] is the hallmark of e-KYC and customer satisfaction in the industry and hopes to keep advancing their services to meet the needs of their consumers.
Shufti Pro[R] Puts Forth "Still Verification" Feature, Extends Customisation Options for Clients
Shufti Pro provides its customers with a sure shot and simplified way through which they can just hold up their documents to the camera and wait for merely 30 seconds before their documents are flawlessly matched and verified with their identity.
To prevent the frauds and filter the imposters, Shufti Pro serves as an excellent source of online identity verification so that the real-world person is ensured to be the person who claims to be the owner of the ID documents.
Tech Connoisseurs Join Heads to Introduce Shufti Pro for Accurate Identity and Document Verification
From which language does the English slang word
shufti, meaning a quick look, derive?
Quiz of the Day
Just then, though, to truly add injury to insult, the moment you stick your head under the bonnet to take a
shufti at the Heath Robinson repairs being executed, one of the other gypsies will lean his weary elbow on the bloody thing and down it will crash, catching you a corker on your already sore skull and bouncing your teeth off the radiator cap.
Going native? Prepare for some unusual rustic adventures as you delve deeper into the 'real Bulgaria'
Have a
shufti at the interior of the Peking-Paris model - and wonder at the gear stick.
Drive the road to perdition in style
Horace Rumpole said the only honourable way to pass a law exam was by scribbling a few notes on your shirt cuff and taking the odd
Occasionally he would have a
shufti at the newspaper.
Language is a living thing; Views of the North
You can also hop into Hungary on a separate ticket and have a
shufti at Budapest.
YOUNG SCOT; Summer specials