save (one's) hide
save (one's) hide
To rescue someone from failure, danger, or disaster; to prevent something bad from happening to someone. Thanks for bringing me some extra cash—you really saved my hide, there! The company is in dire need of new investors to save their hide.
See also: hide, save
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
save somebody’s/your (own) ˈneck/ˈskin/ˈhide
(informal) save somebody or yourself from a dangerous or unpleasant situation: Don’t rely on him for help, he’s only interested in saving his own skin. OPPOSITE: risk your neckSee also: hide, neck, save, skin
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- accompany (one) on a/(one's) journey
- accompany on a journey
- a dog in the manger
- be in bad with (someone)
- be out of (one's) league
- be out of somebody's league
- beware of
- beware of (someone or something)
- be/have done with somebody/something
- bargain for (someone or something) with (someone)