squeaky wheel gets the grease

the squeaky wheel gets the grease

proverb The person complaining or protesting the loudest or most frequently is the one who will receive the most attention from others. My sister makes a point of writing letters of complaint to businesses whenever she has an issue with their service, and nine times out of ten, she's rewarded with some kind of discount or gift. I guess it's true, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
See also: get, grease, squeaky, wheel
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

squeaky wheel gets the grease

The loudest complaints get the most attention, as in No matter what table they give her, Helen generally insists on a better one and gets it-the squeaky wheel gets the grease . The current version of this idiom, with its allusion to a wagon wheel that needs oiling, is ascribed to American humorist Josh Billings (1818-1885) in a poem, "The Kicker": "I hate to be a kicker [complainer], I always long for peace, But the wheel that does the squeaking Is the one that gets the grease." However, the idea of the idiom is much older. A manuscript from about 1400 had: "Ever the worst spoke of the cart creaks." Similar sayings were repeated over the succeeding centuries.
See also: get, grease, squeaky, wheel
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

the squeaky wheel gets the ˈgrease/ˈoil

(American English) used to say that a person who complains or talks a lot gets most attention: In politics, the squeaky wheel gets the grease so it is vital for consumers to speak up and be heard. It’s the squeaky wheel that gets the oil, but what about the shy student?
See also: get, grease, oil, squeaky, wheel
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

squeaky wheel gets the grease, the

The loudest complainer usually obtains the most attention. This allusion to a wagon wheel that needs lubrication appears in a nineteenth-century poem attributed to the American humorist Josh Billings. Entitled “The Kicker” (i.e., The Complainer), it goes, “I hate to be a kicker, I always long for peace, But the wheel that does the squeaking is the one that gets the grease.” However, this idea had been similarly expressed in various early proverb collections. “He who greases his Wheels, helps his Oxen” occurs in Thomas Fuller’s collection (1732), and “A wheel badly greased creaks” in Alfred Henderson’s (1830).
See also: get, squeaky, wheel
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • teach a man to fish
  • it takes a village
  • village
  • Caesar's wife must be above suspicion
  • a man is judged by the company he keeps
  • a man is known by the company he keeps
  • best-laid plans go astray, the
  • the best-laid plans
  • the best-laid plans go astray
  • the best-laid plans of mice and men
References in periodicals archive
'The squeaky wheel gets the grease' is an old saw that conveys the idea that the most noticeable (or loudest) problems are the ones most likely to get attention.
"The squeaky wheel gets the grease" -- that American proverb does not work in Barangay Bel-Air.
As the saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
"In Washington, the squeaky wheel gets the grease," Tawney told me.
They always say the squeaky wheel gets the grease, is that how you got sponsored--by making a lot of noise and trying real hard for just whatever sponsor would give you free product?
It seems that, in most areas, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If nothing happens I hope people will remember that when they vote in November.
The old adage "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" has a great deal of merit when it comes to collecting past due accounts.
My follow up includes this narrative and notes of thanks to each intern and Senator among others--essential for many reasons, but mostly because the squeaky wheel gets the grease. In closing, I offer my story, in hopes of encouraging other nurses to become involved in efforts to affect public policy.
If you want to use the old adage that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, well, when we squeak out there in the field when we know we need things, management listens, because we're incredibly important."
If the squeaky wheel gets the grease, what part of a hog requires oiling?
My Grandma always told me the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and believe me disabled veterans and their families deserve all the grease we can get them.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease in a postmodern culture saturated with images and information.
I am reminded of an old phrase "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." What you hope to accomplish will depend on how squeaky you want to get.
It is said that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. When it comes to national security, however, the squeaky whistle-blower gets discredited.